3D Japanese porn turns to classic horror movie Ring for inspiration

The Japanese adult video industry loves to parody other cultural productions or topical events, as we have covered numerous times here.

Past examples include pastiches of Demon Slayer, Joker, and Ultraman.

These do go too far sometimes. One parody porn inspired by the DJ groping incident was ultimately not released, perhaps for fear of legal reprisals from the Korean celebrity’s side. A porn based on a women’s support group (and anti-feminist sentiment toward it by male netizens) was likewise very controversial last October.

The parody of the Maho Yamaguchi assault incident also had a decidedly mixed response.

We think producers are on safer group with this latest parody porn, which has turned to an older IP for inspiration: the horror movie series Ring (or Ringu in Japanese).

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We all know the famous moment when Sadako first climbs out of the TV screen and claims her victim. On the other hand, we would all love our favorite porn stars to leave the screen of the device we are watching them on (probably not a regular TV these days and certainly not via a VHS tape like in the original Ring), so we can have sex with them in person.

Playing on this fantasy and iconic movie scene, the new 3D VR porn by Soft on Demand Create came out earlier this month as a 8K streaming release (code 13DSVR001590).

The performer is uncredited but a reader helped us identify her as Ruisa Miyakozuki. The director is Reshibu Yazawa.

Like a lot of high-concept productions, the setup seems pretty much the whole thing: 73 minutes of sex with a random woman who first comes out of a well and then out of the TV.

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It harks back to old media technology with the VHS tape but harnesses the latest developments like 3D and virtual reality to make the viewing experience even more real.

The sex begins as soon as the long-haired woman starts to come out of the screen. Why wait for her to emerge fully or relocate to a comfortable futon when she’s willing to suck you off with her body still half-stuck in the screen?!

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The production is designed for watching through a VR headset, so the viewer assumes the POV of the man who plays a mysterious video a friend found by the road and then has sex with Sadako. Because who wouldn’t fuck a random woman who comes out of their TV screen?!

JAV fans might well note that this is not just a parody but another entry in this subgenre or trope of quasi-zombie porn, where a woman’s body is somehow “stuck” and at the mercy of a men. Previous, outlandish entries in this canon include a frozen schoolgirl porn and a mummified girl AV.

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  • Masaru September 18, 2024

    Is the girl Ruisa Miyakozuki? Almost sure.

  • Tadashi Anahori (Post author) September 19, 2024


    Yes, you’re right! It’s not credited on the Fanza page but we checked her social media and she posted about the release. We’ll update the article with that info.

  • Masaru September 19, 2024

    Thanks! She’s really pretty and I like her muki muki body.

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