Arrested OnlyFans creator Naomiii is back

Back in May, we reported on the shocking arrest of the incredibly popular Japanese OnlyFans adult creator Naomiii.

The performer was likely a victim of her own success, which got her noticed by authorities and who found a way to nab her on obscenity charges.

The 32-year-old adored by millions for her sensually curvy body and perfectly shaped labia was arrested with Nobutoshi Kiri, who helped make her videos and upload them.

The “amateur” porn (shot in 4K) the pair made was actually very high quality but the uncensored content was what attracted police attention.

Most people reacted with sympathy. What harm had Naomiii really done anyone?

If you are arrested in Japan, you effectively disappear, held without charge for 23 days (or more if they rearrest you) and without guaranteed access to family members or even a legal representative.

We are very pleased to report that she’s back! Naomiii-san, okaerinasai!

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We’re not sure how active she is going to be with producing and releasing new content, but Naomiii posted on X last week that she had returned. (Due to the mess that is Twitter/X right now, we didn’t see the post until a few days ago.)

The post was accompanied by a typical Naomiii pic: her amazing breasts on full display, her legs spread wide, her hand reaching down to pleasure herself, and her delicately ringed anus on view.


She suffered from her ordeal, losing 10 kilograms (over 22 pounds) during the 28 days she was detained. She has hopefully now recovered enough to start making content again.

So far, she has made only a few posts of herself and seems to be taking things slowly and cautiously.

Earlier in the summer, she also posted a bit on other platforms like her Instagram while she waited for her trial to begin.

From a financial point of view, she will need to start earning money. Prosecutors demanded she pay a fine of ¥2 million, plus an extra fine of ¥57 million! And that’s in addition to her own legal fees.

At the first hearing at Tokyo District Court on August 13, prosecutors also requested a prison term of two years!

Her trial ended earlier this month and she avoided a custodial sentence (the prison term was suspended for four years) but Naomiii has said that the government’s seizure of her assets has meant swapping the large house in which she lived in Fukuoka for a tiny and rundown place.

She has made a video about cleaning up her new home. Might it soon become a modest studio for making new content? Let’s hope so, though Naomiii will surely be censoring genitalia in the future to avoid attracting police attention again.

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1 Comment

  • Lee Mroszak September 25, 2024

    When will the Japanese stand up for their rights and get the same freedom of speech democratic countries enjoy?

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