Using ChatGPT to analyze Japanese sex worker body measurements

A recent column in Weekly Playboy explored what ChatGPT tells us about sex workers in Japan.

Procurement and acquisition consultant Takanori Sakaguchi used AI to analyze the sex industry in Japan. With his ChatGPT Pro account, he collected data on 635 sex workers at soaplands and “delivery heath” call girl services: their heights, busts, waists, and hips. The data were taken from high-end services as well as cheaper ones.

The results for height are not surprising: sex workers are essentially as tall as most Japanese women.

What about those all-important breasts? Sex workers almost all have bust sizes between 80 and 90 cm. This feels like an industry standard that someone set and only women with breasts of that size get hired.

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Waist sizes showed some variation, going as low as 51 cm but with most women’s waists not exceeding 60 cm, indicating that most sex workers are very slim. There are definitely curvier ladies out there but perhaps they tend to work for specialist “chubby girl” services, which were not included in the data.

Hip sizes were the most varied, with plenty of results between 80 and 90 cm. The most frequent value was 85 cm.

According to the stats, the “average” sex worker in Japan will have a 85 cm bust, a 57 cm wast, and 85 cm hips. There is far less variety than you might expect, suggesting that client tastes are also uniform.

But Sakaguchi also wonders if the data is affected by false data: in other words, the sex workers are lying about their body measurements.

He asked ChatGPT about the data, but its response was to question if the measurement method was consistent and suggest there is a possibility of mixture distribution.

Sakaguchi is still suspicious of how similar the data are. ChatGPT then suggested that there may be errors in the measurements, which are liable to change over short periods of time (e.g., your waist measurement might be affected by when you had your last meal).

ChatGPT told Sakaguchi that it was expected for sex workers to have average heights, since this is something dictated by genetics and not likely to change among adults. Bust and waist sizes are the measurements more likely to diverge from regular values.

Sakaguchi wonders if ChatGPT has been “fine-tuned” to give answers that present women in a positive light, since the company is probably sensitive to issues regarding beauty standards.

The next time you are with a lady whose measurements seem different to what was promised on the website, it’s time to ask: Who’s lying? The lady or ChatGPT?

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1 Comment

  • JoeJitsu March 13, 2025

    “Procurement and acquisition consultant“ for Japanese sex workers sounds like a job I would like to have as a second career, if only I could afford it. Any profit I made would probably go back into the business for “research.”

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