AKB48.com up for bid at Yahoo Auction

Many of you avid AKB48 fans out there may already know, but the domain name for the uber-popular idol group AKB48 is up for grabs and seems to be selling for ¥10 million ($100,000 USD)!

Zakzak has reported that the licensing for the site will be up for grabs and someone made sure they swooped in and will take their place as soon as the last tenants let their lease lapse. The current owners of the site incidentally are rival idol creating factory Hello Project. Try typing in AKB48.com in. You’ll see that it takes you to the homepage of the managing group that brought us the Morning Musume phenomenon so many years ago. The plot thickens when questions are asked about the seller him (or her) self. There is no information out there about them. The name on the account is a Taro Yamada, which is the Japanese version of “John Doe”, and the contact phone number is “0012345678”.

There are some rumors are circulating around the web saying that legal action will be taken by AKB’s management, but nothing has been confirmed. If by chance these rumors are found to be true, what would happen to the poor sap who may buy the site in the first place? Upon checking the auction page itself, there is no guarantee that the money would be returned if there is in fact a lawsuit of some sort.

One thing is for sure, if this isn’t a ruse and someone does end up picking up AKB48.com, there could be all kinds of fall out. What if all the AKB48 JAV look alike porn stars all band together and start putting their videos and unshaven pussies up there for the world to see? Westerners who don’t usually type .co.jp will be (pleasantly) surprised to see that AKB48 is just a bunch of barely legal sluts trying to get in our wallets by using their short school girl skirts and supple young bodies.

Wait, isn’t that what the real AKB48 does now? Never mind. Happy bidding porn industry!

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1 Comment

  • Reni February 12, 2011

    Unnecessary comment about the girls. Slut sounds really harsh.

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