Ex-cop attempts to kidnap Japanese high school girl
May 15, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
No one is above the law.
An ex-cop from the riot police has been arrested for the attempted abduction of a 15-year-old school girl in Akishima, Tokyo.
Former police sergeant Koichi Omura (32) left the force in March but has been busy since then.
He is accused of coming up to a fifteen-year-old high school first grade student early in the morning on April 15th. He was in a rented car and she was walking along a street.
"There was a crime nearby. You need to cooperate with me in a case," he said to her, no doubt hoping either to terrify her into "cooperation" or to make her feel ...
Hashimoto tells US to “use prostitutes” in Japan
May 15, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
Outspoken Osaka mayor and founder of the Japan Restoration Party, now Japan’s third largest party, Toru Hashimoto has got himself in hot water over some comments he made about the "comfort women" during the war and his recommendations for how to avoid rapes in Okinawa.
Hashimoto, no stranger to getting noticed by provocative comments, told reporters in Osaka on on Monday that the "comfort women" (local women forced into prostitution by the colonizing Japanese forces in Asia during the war) were necessary in order to maintain military discipline.
The women “were necessary in ...
A man has been arrested for molesting a woman on a train, known as chikan in Japan.
Nothing new in that. Another day, another groper.
But this time the 26-year-old man from Osaka claims the whole thing had been arranged via a special online forum. On the website people who want to molest and a woman who wanted to be molested invited collaborations for a public "session" on a moving train.
The date and plan was set for the Kokawa-Kainan Wakayama line one morning during the Golden Week holidays.
The woman told forum members what she would be wearing and that she would respond ...
AKB48’s Yuki Kashiwagi drinks suspicious white liquid
May 11, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
We've always known that the people behind AKB48 do not understand the meaning of bad taste, and here's the latest demonstration. From Lolicon kiddy dancing to "hand-bras", AKB48 continues to plumb the depths of the cringe-worthy.
AKB48 member Yuki Kashiwagi is filmed grating a yam to make totoro for no better reason that than it is an excuse to show incredibly gratuitous and infantile shots of her drinking what is suggested to be cum.
Seriously, this is embarrassing to watch. They literally show close-ups of the idol's mouth eating the white liquid -- and yet, Yuki is forced to ...
To celebrate the upcoming Tokyo performances of the Hatsune Miku opera "The End" we wanted to show a side to the virtual idol that likely won't be put on a stage soon... but deserves to ...
It's not looking good for Akihabara's maid cafes as customers drift away from paying exorbitant prices for cups of coffee where there are no "extras".
According to a media report, maid cafes started in Akihabara in 2001 and then you get visit on for a drink for a mere ¥500. (These days it is more like double that or more!)
Based on national database figures, there were a mere 132 maid cafes in Akiba at the end of 2011. Since the peak was 282 cafes, this means 150 -- over half -- have closed.
In the decade the world economy has hardly done so well and Japan in particular is ...
Man fakes “danger” to grope schoolgirl’s breasts on express train
May 6, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
It's a classic trick. Pretend to help when your motivations are much less pure.
A female high school student (15) was in the part that connects two train carriages on a train in Wakayama prefecture hen a company employee from south Osaka groped her breasts.
The twenty-one-year old's fantastic lead-in on the busy evening rush hour express from Osaka's Namba Station to Wakayama City was to be a good citizen.
"It's dangerous. It's shaking!" he said as he grabbed her. No doubt he thought that her fear of the shaking carriage corridor would distract her from the hands now on her ...
Man in forties has sex, films 100 high school girls… but does not pay
May 2, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
A 42-year-old man has been arrested for having sex with high school girls.
The company employee would approach girls on the street, offer to pay them ¥70,000 or even as much as ¥300,000 if he could also film the exploits.
After they were all finished at a hotel in Taito ward in Tokyo he would then ask them to wait on the street while he went to fetch money. Of course, that would be the last they would see of him.
He has claimed to have had sex with close to 100 high school girls in this way.
Likely if he had actually made good on his promise and paid the girls there ...
Train kisser attacks sleeping Japanese girl while eyes closed
May 1, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
Imagine you are a young Japanese girl. You are on a train. You sit down. You put on some earphones and listen to music. You close your eyes. Probably you are tired and just want some rest on the way home. You have made a fatal mistake.
That's what one Japanese girl in her twenties found out on a train in Saitama on April 25th. She was rudely awakened from her semi-slumber to find that a stranger's lips were locked around hers.
While her eyes had been closed, a man, Toshimitsu Ishibashi (49), had decided to kiss her. The man was from Saitama's Kasukabeshi and worked as a ...
“I am an otaku”: 62% of teenagers, 23% of people in seventies
April 28, 2013
/ Taro
An online survey has found some surprising results about identification with otaku, proving that we have come so far since the days of Tsutomu Miyazaki.
137,734 people were asked, "Do you consider yourself somehow an otaku?"
Yes: 42.2%
No: 57.8%
That's a lot of supposed otaku!
Here's the breakdown per generation:
Teenagers: 62.0%
Twenties: 55.6%
Thirties: 46.4%
Forties: 44.8%
Fifties: 36.7%
Sixties: 26.9%
Seventies: 23.1%
Eighties: 23.3%
Of course, these days the definition of "otaku" is wider, and can apply to soccer fanatic or just about any passionate fans of ...