First pictures from Satomi Kaneko (Kiho Kanematsu) porn debut

In early March, we reported on the exciting news that former AKB48 idol and nude model Satomi Kaneko was to make her porn debut as Kiho Kanematsu, after she had supposedly retired in 2023.

We can now share the first preview images from her debut, which comes out from Muteki, a specialist is such crossovers.

The 34-year-old’s first AV, the 176-minute 18Gold (TEK00099), was released on digital formats on April 2 .

We have yet to see the AV. If you’ve caught it already, please let us know your assessment of the quality. From the previews, it looks quite conventional, though Kaneko/Kanematsu’s mature body is quite curvy and erotic.

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To promote the release, Kanematsu/Kaneko has done yet another full-frontal shoot (though, because she is paipan/shaved, there’s no hair, so it’s a full-frontal shoot that curiously doesn’t count as a “hair nude”). We love her shapely breasts and flat, almost athletic stomach.

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The nude shoot appeared in the April 2 issue of Weekly Flash (which coincidentally has recently retired Yua Mikami on the cover — by far, the most successful idol from AKB and sister groups to switch to porn).

The same issue also features Megumi Okina, the 44-year-old actress known for her scandals and tumultuous romantic past. She is releasing her first photo book in 15 years, so 2024 is already shaping up to be a year of comebacks.

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  • TK403 April 4, 2024

    I did watch her digital release of her AV debut I may say she looks great..

  • Jason April 4, 2024

    I wish there was an uncensored version of this. Her pink pussy looks awesome. Most Japanese idols have more dark lips, but hers are pink all around. Just incredible

  • Jason April 4, 2024

    I would love to see her do the married woman has affair with husbands boss series or something

  • PeterG April 5, 2024

    she has lovely bouncy boobs. they look really soft and i bet they feel great.

  • Surprise April 5, 2024

    She has destroyed her career

  • Tadashi Anahori (Post author) April 6, 2024


    Not sure about that. She had retired from gravure and nude modeling. So by default, she arguably had no career. AV has provided her with a line of work back in the entertainment business.

  • Surprise April 7, 2024

    whenever a person debuts in porn that decision leaves a black mark on their career and character as it ultimately hurts them effectively destroying their careers

  • Deceived reader August 13, 2024

    Calling her a former AKB48 idol is silly. Again and again these articles where you implicitly tell people that some AV debutante was some kind of mainstream celebrity before. She was nothing more than an AKB48 trainee from may to november 2007. And she wasn’t on stage even once.

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