Former Idoling!!! member Karen Ishida to make porn debut

Karen Ishida (石田佳蓮) is to make her porn debut next month. The former Idoling!!! member will release her first adult video on Muteki, which specializes in debuts by crossover talent, on September 3.

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Idoling!!! was a Japanese TV show and female music idol group active from the mid-2000s to 2015. Ishida was a member of the “fifth generation” of members from 2012. Past members include Nao Asahi, Yurika Tachibana, Erika Tonooka, Rurika Yokoyama, Ami Kikuchi, Ai Okawa, Rena Sato, Suzuka Morita, and the long-tongued Michaela Wako Sato. Many have enjoyed careers in gravure.

The 28-year-old Ishida released three photo books during her time in Idoling!!! as well as several image videos.

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Her first AV is an epic 150 minutes but other details are currently slim. No preview images are available as of writing, but screen grabs from a publicity video indicate she has a very slender body.

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This Karen Ishida should not be confused with Japanese-Portuguese ex-porn star Karen Ishida (石田カレン), who made her JAV debut in 2018 and released at least five titles until 2020 on SOD Create.

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  • Dppkkk August 8, 2024

    I m not even surprised anymore when it comes to Japanese porn industry. All these girls may start off as idols but in the end they settle on porn industry as the ultimate career choice

  • Blahblahblah August 8, 2024

    “Daddy, I want to be an idol.” – Japanese parents’ worst nightmare. I don’t know why they still entertain it when it ends up like this so often.

    Seems to be a global problem now. Any young woman gets famous for any reason and her first port of call is to become an internet whore.

  • jack from downunder August 8, 2024

    Not much in the preview, does that mean its a dud???

  • Tadashi Anahori (Post author) August 8, 2024

    @jack from downunder

    No, just means they haven’t finished preparing the publicity materials yet. The turnaround for these productions is quite tight. Pics and a blurb about the AV will probably appear later in the month.

  • Surprise August 9, 2024

    She has now destroyed her career

  • Lee Mroszak August 9, 2024

    There’s nothing wrong with porn, and posing with clothes on for weirdo geeks to fap over is no better than posing nude for normal guys to fap over.

  • Ian August 10, 2024

    @Lee Mroszak

    There’s a big jump from being photographed in beachwear versus having sex with another man on camera.

    Weirdo geeks fap to risqué shots because of the fantasy that she’s both proper and naughty at the same time, and potentially ‘attainable’ to him. Whereas a pornstar is a sex worker being filmed having sex for the money, especially with those disgusting old kimomen so common in JAV. In this case normal guys fap over the pretty-looking sex workers roleplaying as some other women.

    And with regards to careers and life choices: Actions have consequences, many life choices will open doors, but some choices the doors will close on you. And in the age of the internet, everything is recorded for posterity.

  • Lee Anthony Mroszak August 10, 2024

    Real men who have sex in real life know that women also have sex. Only sexless grass eating weirdos who live with their mothers would be upset about it.

  • Kaz August 12, 2024


    I’m sure her life choice is financially better than most foreigners’ working in Japan. Nothing wrong with her choice, don’t come to Japan to judge.

  • Deceived reader August 13, 2024

    @Dppkkk and Blahblahblah

    You are both completely wrong. While websites like this one may tell you otherwise, the truth is that it’s very rare for a music idol to become an AV actress. As someone who knows the idol scene, I can tell you that there are tens of thousands of girls in idol groups in Japan at this point, because being in an idol group is a kind of hobby. The amount of girls who changes to AV is really really small.

  • Surprise August 15, 2024

    @Lee Mroszak

    it is quite pathetic that you are taking a defensive stance over an issue that shouldn’t be defended at all

  • MayWady Min August 24, 2024

    What are requirements to become a porn star in Japan?

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