(Porn) Actors of the World (Japan), Unite! Male performers create industry association

It’s not easy being a Japanese male porn start.

They are literally just a handful of bonefide stars (and thousands of anonymous performers) in an industry dominated by the girls. To make ends meet they might perform in up to six films a week!

With men so dispensable, it’s time to stop screwing around, as they say.

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On April 1st, the Japan Porn Actors Association (JPAA) will come into existence. But this is no April’s Fool Day stunt.

Inspired by the problems with HIV and STDs that paralyzed the American porn industry last year, the JPAA has been created by veteran actor Genji Moribayashi to raise awareness of better standards. This includes campaigning for improved STD testing.

The JPAA will also become a place for fans to inquire about performers or aspiring actors to ask questions. Moribayashi anticipates that it could work with condom makers to test new products, as well as help with the development of other health products.

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1 Comment

  • john Merwin January 24, 2025

    Male Japanese porn actors are NOT treating the Japanese women with respect. Japan’s women are without question the most beautiful women in the universe. Watching these men pull and tug hard on their clothes all thru the film, i wonder how many women have burns and rashes from having their panties and bras tugged hard the whole film. The male actors are naked and comfortable, but the women are still wearing every article of clothing they started with. Japanese women are goddesses’ and i question the male’s sexual orientation by no wanting to see their beautiful bodies. Male actors seem to have clothes fetishes and queer as all they want to do is rub and rub and suck on women’s clothes instead of the beautiful actresses before them. These women are special, at least get men who know how to treat them as such. And one more, that actor that thinks he’s a fish when kissing needs to retire. Respectfully,

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