Can you not look at Japanese porn stars’ breasts for charity?
Breasts and charity often go together in Japan, as we have seen from past stunts where you can get a grope of some porn star breasts if you donate to a good cause.
Now Japanese adult satellite channel SKY PerfecTV! is holding the 24-Hour TV: Eroticism Saves the Earth (ERO24TV) again is promoting an AIDS awareness charity.
And its methodology is novel, if flawed. Apparently the longer you can keep your eyes closed and not give in to temptation to look at the lovely ladies on display they will donate your money.
Love is Patience is the name of the challenge, available online.
Just get yourself a webcam and a connection. It starts by calibrating your face with eyes open and eyes closed.
And then try not to open your eyes no matter how many ladies you can hear trying to seduce you with descriptions of their busts and what they are doing.
For each minute a participant keeps his (or her) eyes closed, the network donates ¥5 to an AIDS charity.
We gave it a try and lasted a grand total of 7 seconds and were roundly chastised for not showing enough “love” by the hostess. Okay, we think we didn’t calibrate it properly because we definitely had our eyes closed when the whistle blew on us.
Anyway, technical difficulties aside (we ended up contributing ¥0 to the charity), it’s for a good cause so give it a try (Japanese only).
The Stop! AIDS Charity 24-hour telethon starts at 10pm on December 5th on SKY PerfecTV!’s BS Sukapa! channel.
And fear not, the charity breast squeeze-a-thon is also going to be happening in Shinjuku.
may i know the name of these actresses, for academic purpose of course
What a fantastic idea….if I was closer I would squeeze them all