Japanese television show covers gravure idol’s naked breasts with leaves

Japanese television is a strange place: a world of shoddily acted dramas and asinine variety shows, where the aim seems to be seeing how many minor celebrities can be squeezed into a single broadcast, and where everything seems to come down to food and guests extolling how delicious a dish is.

And then there are the shows about breasts.

Tamori Club, the late-night TV Asahi show whose decades-long run recently ended, aired an episode in March in which the male guests ogled a woman naked from the waist up except for two carefully positioned leaves over her breasts. Of course, they tried to blow the leaves off.

Because why not? Why should anything make sense or be appropriate when it’s on Japanese TV? Woke this certainly ain’t. Truly we living through the golden age of TV!

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The woman was not just a random. As beady-eyed readers will have spotted, she was 33-year-old gravure model and actress Asuka Oda, whose I-cup breasts are really quite something.

If you do want to see what those breasts look like without leaves covering them, check out her nude sex scene in the movie Anticipation, which really lives up to its name.

In 2021, she also released her fourth print photo book, which was a full-frontal hair nude one. A few highlights of her nudes are included below, because why not?

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