Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll is schoolgirl ass sticking out of wall

The kabejiri or kabe-jiri is a trope in Japanese porn and sexual fantasies: a girl bent over with her ass sticking out through a wall, providing the lucky guy on the other side with total ass to her buttocks, anus, and pussy. She’s merciless to prevent him from sliding up and slipping it in.

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

It’s already inspired a couple of great onahole toys by Magic Eyes.

Tama Toys has come along and made the next thing that everyone wanted: an air doll based on the kabejiri fetish.

Even better, it’s a schoolgirl’s ass sticking out of the wall and available for your horny hands to grab.

The Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll features full legs, so you can experience the whole length of the kabejiri fantasy.

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

The life-sized air doll comes with a poster to provide bonus visual stimulation. Also be sure to slip in a masturbator toy (not included — but the slot fits most standard sizes) so your session with this wall butt is as intimate as possible.

The doll looks great dressed up, such as in a schoolgirl uniform and costume like a skirt and stockings. Have fun slowly undressing her while she cannot resist — or have sex with her from behind while she’s still wearing that school uniform.

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll Japanese schoolgirl ass toy

The Kabejiri Wall Butt Air Doll is available internationally via our friends at Kanojo Toys, your largest and best source of Japanese adult toys shipped around the world.

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1 Comment

  • adam jobs June 25, 2024

    perfect gift for my best friend who recently divorced

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