mixi and new search engine bring down Tokyo brothel

Recently mixi (the Japanese equivalent of Facebook) have released what Facebook users have taken for granted, an email search function to find friends. But as many Japanese are not as internet savvy as the rest of the world, Tantei File reports that a brothel regular ruined paid sex for many others by exchanging email addresses with a whore.

A man who used the moniker Kimura, was making his monthly visit to a Shibuya brothel and while taking a shower his regular working girl accidentally called him by his real name. Evidently horrified to hear his real name in a place where no one is to know any personal details, he said nothing and left. Reports say that Kimura was a subscriber to the brothel newsletter. The email address he used to sign up for the newsletter, which was also the address he exchanged with his regular call girl, was his actual cellphone email.

As you may have figured out by now, being a bit curious about one of her regular customers, the prostitute put his email into the new mixi search engine and found out his real name. After leaving the brothel, Kimura changed his email address, canceled his mixi account and decided never to go back to the whore house again. When the establishment was asked about the privacy of their members they said they would only check into their members when absolutely necessary, and abruptly hung up the phone. Soon after, those who paid for sex around Shibuya station had to look for somewhere else to go.

I am personally glad I didn’t use my real email address with my regular whores. Yes, more than one.

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