We wanted to close off the year with what is probably going to be our final post for 2020 with some good news. As if the tidings that Kaoru Yasui is making her porn debut is not enough! Our friends at Kanojo Toys, your top online stop for all things adult about Japan, are having a New Year sale. Running now through early January, you can get 10% off ANY order -- plus you can order multiple times while the sale is happening. To claim your discount, use the coupon YEAR2021. We were browsing some of the recent arrivals and wanted to share some of our recommendations. The Dirty Bank Teller ...

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Like most people, we are keen -- alright, desperate! -- to see this year done and dusted. With the new COVID strain, though, something tells us that the calendar simply turning into 2021 won't suddenly makes things OK. So we are always pleased to see news like this sneak into the final days of the year. The gravure idol Kaoru Yasui is known for her busty body, large butt, and come-hither looks. The 21-year-old previously went through a professional name change, her kanji shifting from 安位薫 to 安位カヲル when she changed left her agency at the end of August. Having made her debut ...

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We are drawing to the end of this most difficult year and we taking a look back at 2020. Of course, the past twelve months were dominated by one global story. Japan's adult industry has responded to the coronavirus pandemic in various ways, from host and hostess clubs working with the authorities to identity clusters of infections, to Soft on Demand spending a fortune on advanced air sterilization technology for its new porn theme park in Kabukicho. Less positive responses -- of which, let's be honest, there were many -- include suing the government over financial relief discrimination and ...

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The exact nature of the age of consent in Japan is something that crops up conversations about the country, and people often seem unsure of the facts. As the Asahi clarifies, "anyone having sex with a minor under 13 can be arrested for statutory rape under the Criminal Law, but charging someone with sex crimes for having intercourse with a person over the age of 13 requires proof of violent action or threats." Japan's law on consent is over a century old, though a revision in 2017, in an effort to protect vulnerable minors, made it a crime for guardians to have sex with a child under 18 ...

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Tenga, the Apple of the Japanese adult market, is convinced that self-pleasure should be a premium experience. And it also knows how to market its products in a truly savvy and novel way. Case in point is its latest campaign in which the brand gives people to win a "gold" Premium Tenga cup just by retweeting a certain tweet by March 31. All right, this is indeed made out of almost 100% gold but it's not an actual sex toy, even if it does look uncannily like one of the entries in the bestselling Premium Tenga cup series, whose Premium Vacuum Cup tenth-anniversary toy is getting a ...

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We've all seen those pop-ups that sometimes appear on particularly dodgy sites, demanding that you pay a ridiculous amount of money. Most of the time, you can click away and rest easy that it's a bluff. But sometimes people do pay. Spare a thought for this Japanese man in his fifties, living in the frigid northernly city of Sapporo. He kept himself warm by watching some porn online. But then he got a text to his phone in October from someone claiming to be NTT Finance, which is a genuine company (a subsidiary of the telecommunications giant). He duly rang the number in the message, only ...

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The singer and actress KOM_I is known for her provocative career choices, from doing lesbian sex scenes in the Netflix show Followers to releasing nude photo shoots not once -- but twice. Somewhat queasily yet erotically, one of the shoots even involved blood and knives in addition to her pale, naked flesh. The 28-year-old Wednesday Campanella singer has now shed her clothes again for a photo shoot for Vogue Japan, the highlights of which she posted on her own Instagram account a few days ago. The shoot has KOM_I nude in a garden, facing off against a classic sculpture while wearing a gold ...

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At this time of year, Japanese adult makers and brands like to release "lucky boxes" and similar bundles containing random packs of toys. This is in imitation of the more general Japanese retail custom of fukubukuro, or lucky bags. It means you can get some really good deals, as long as you don't mind not knowing the exact items you will get (although this is also fun and exciting -- restoring the mystery of Christmas before people started to make distributing gift lists). We have been looking at a few examples this year and the Tama Toys Otoko no Ko Crossdresser Costumes Lucky Box caught ...

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If you've watched the Japanese Netflix drama Alice in Borderland, you will have admired the lead actress, Tao Tsuchiya. The 25-year-old is a real cutie and the series should hopefully increase her international profile. We were also pleased to see in some of the more erotic scenes in the series. In one scene, her naked, athletic stomach gets lingeringly licked by a man, which was nice to watch, though he then proceeds to rape her, which we did not enjoy watching. The scene hints that it will show us her breasts but then holds back, meaning Tao Tsuchiya, who is also a talented dancer, has ...

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The end-of-year photo book rush just got a bit busier with the debut release from Anri Gento (源藤アンリ). While not particularly well known as a model or celebrity, Gento has notched up a fair number of television appearances recently. It's perhaps a little surprising that such a relative newbie would land her own photo book publishing deal with Shogakukan, though she has seized the opportunity with aplomb. A guaranteed way to generate headlines and online interest is to take things a step further. Anri has stepped up to the challenge swimmingly by taking off her clothes. Coming out ...

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