So far, the highest-profile victim of COVID-19 in Japan has been the comedian Ken Shimura. His death happened fairly early in the pandemic in Japan and since then infection numbers have risen quite a lot as the second wave hits, though deaths have not climbed to a scary rate (yet - touch wood). As entertainers are continuing to work, filming things and so on, and coming into contact with a lot of people in the process, coronavirus infections are also disproportionately affecting the industry. In recent days, several high-profile cases have appeared. In early August, the busty gravure idol ...

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From one nip slip to another. Such is the life of the humble Tokyo Kinky blogger. Yesterday we posted an amusing, cautionary tale about gravure idol Mirai Nishijima, who is very active on Twitter and posts daily pictures. Unfortunately when she posted an image of a shoot at a hot spring from a few years ago, she didn't realize that it showed one of her (lovely) nipples. Now another, sweatier example... Japanese television news loves to show random shots of people on the streets during hot weather, demonstrating how the masses are coping with the heat. (For context, it's over 40 C, or 104 ...

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The gravure model Mirai Nishijima, known for her slinky body, recently posted a picture of herself enjoying a wash at a hot spring. Netizens with keen eyes, though, were able to spot something that she presumably thought was tastefully hidden: her left nipple, poking proud through the soap suds and asking for attention. It's attention we would be happy to provide! Nishijima has since deleted the tweets (no doubt at the behest of her management), which actually showed pictures from a few years ago. Still, she shouldn't feel too bad. It could have been much worse, as the model Asana Miyamoto ...

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Is this the future of kissing between couples in the age of the coronavirus? A playful picture recently shared on Twitter by the idol and mangaka Rin Kaname (of hints at what kissing might become if things don't improve some day soonish. The photo shows two people -- in this case, two attractive Japanese women in their underwear -- kissing through a see-through plastic wall. The image is captioned "social distance kiss." One of the women is, we presume, Kaname herself, though please help us out if you can identify either of them more accurately. The image was posted by ...

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We are avoiding beaches and public pools right now, given the ongoing coronavirus infection rate, but that doesn't mean we aren't thinking about swimsuits. Far from it, they are one of the highlights of any summer in Japan. And to show just how far things have come, we wanted to share with you an image from 1966 (Showa 41), which we spotted shared on Twitter. It's an advertisement for "beach-ready" ladies in their colorful swimsuits. "Which is your pattern?" the main copy asks. All the women model different styles of swimwear, each aimed at a respective kind of personality (from the ...

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Is there anything more attractive than a smart, older woman? Born in 1984, Yukari Oshima (大島由香里) is a former Fuji TV announcer who is now a freelance presenter. Adding some more to her résumé, she is now making a late transition into gravure with this semi-nude shoot that shows off her beautiful, kissable back in particular. Here are some factoids about Yukari that may or may not make her even more attractive: she's 36 (a ripe jukujo!), divorced, and a mother. This is, as far as we know, her first proper gravure-style shoot. The most successful recent example ...

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A Japanese TV show asked a man what he thought about gravure photo shoots. Nothing strange about this, perhaps, but the details are more unusual. This man may look like a regular white-collar worker but his younger sisters are anything but: they are gravure idols and he was shown images from their provocative shoots. The ladies in question are Tomoe Yamanaka (山中知恵) and Mayumi Yamanaka (山中真由美). The brother laughs uncomfortably. "Yeah, I have mixed feelings about that." To our shame, we did not know that Tomoe Yamanaka and Mayumi Yamanaka were sisters, though now ...

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Former AKB48 idol Natsumi Hirajima is well known and adored for her curvy body, which she has shown off to the world on many occasions. In her latest provocative tactic, Natsumi (Nacchan) has demonstrated a range of different bras on her new YouTube channel. In the nearly 16-minute video, Nacchan describes the experience of wearing the various bras, along with showing us how she looks in them. Don't be shy about skipping ahead to the juicy parts. At the time of writing, the video has almost 30,000 views after just a couple of days. With large parts of the idol and ...

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Just as the second wave was beginning to hit Tokyo late last month, the country entered a four-day weekend that was originally intended to mark the triumphant start of the Olympics in the capital. Things were not as they were meant to be and the holiday was subdued. Netizens, though, found plenty of entertain themselves by finding TV news interviews with women on the streets of Tokyo about the need for self-restraint during the long holiday weekend. Naturally, they were pleased to see how busty these interviewees were. You don't have to be a cynic to wonder if the news people deliberately ...

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Tama Toys is never content with just making adult toys, it seems. The industrious and reliable brand continues to innovate and push its lineup beyond the conventional bounds of sex toys, encompassing even towels and books. After reporting last week on its great recent selection of adult face masks, we wanted to introduce some of its T-shirts. The most obvious, yet discreet, choices are the T-shirts that are branded with Tama Toys logos. Of course, only those in the know will recognize what you are wearing, so walk down the street with your head held high. Japanese adult video fans will ...

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