Long-running rural strip club in Japan turns to crowdfunding to stay in business during coronavirus crisis We have been chronicling how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the adult industry in Japan, from shutting down hostess clubs to inspiring sex workers. Like hostess clubs and the like, strip clubs were also quick to shut their doors after the state of emergency was announced. Having first started in the postwar years, the striptease industry in Japan is dying anyway, so this may well be one of the final nails in its coffin. We spotted an interesting article about one example of a ...

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Over the weekend here in Tokyo, temperatures climbed close to 30 degrees Celsius -- a reminder that summer is once again just around the corner and, hopefully, an end to this coronavirus pandemic. Another, very welcome reminder came from the Instagram account of actress and model Kyoko Fukada, a long-time favorite of this blog, who posted a video of herself surfing and showing off her stunning, toned and tanned bikini body. Sure, she is wearing bikini bottoms but they have cheekily slipped down to reveal a decent slice of her butt crack. We're not sure when the video was filmed but it was ...

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We have long had a crush on Misumi Shiochi (塩地美澄), the curvy jukujo with a gently undulating gravure idol career that emerged from her TV announcer and presenting work (largely for a regional channel in the 2000s). She only released her first photo book in 2016, when she was already in her thirties. Now aged 37, the very comely Shiochi has posed for what is surely her sexiest photo shoot yet -- a series of semi-nude pics, released as a digital photo book, that show off her ravishing and alluring body. In Japanese cup sizes, she is apparently a G-cup but we are not wholly convinced. ...

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Here at Tokyo Kinky, we consider it our sworn duty to introduce readers to gravure idols who are not only the famous and established names. It's a busy and competitive industry, and many gradols can frankly slip between the gaps. Here today, gone tomorrow. Careers can burn out before they have even had a chance to glow. That's why we sometimes turn the spotlight on newbies or more minor names in the industry. Asako Tani (谷あさこ) is, at least for now, one such example. Born in 1993 in Kanagawa, Tani is technically a TV announcer (presenter) rather than a fully fledged gradol, but she ...

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It's something of an open secret in the Japanese adult toys industry right now that many of Tenga's most exciting developments are to be found not in its classic range of male masturbation aids, as awesome as they still are, but among its innovative lineup of sex toys for ladies. Of course, regular readers will need no introduction to the Iroha series, which comprises the core of Tenga's female pleasure items. We are pleased to share the latest evolution in this series: the Iroha Ukidama Floating Light-Up Vibrator. Is it a mood light? Is it a bathing relaxation device? Is it a vibrator? ...

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With much of Japan on semi-lockdown (or at least, slowdown) due to measures to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus, freelancers and the self-employed are particularly feeling the crunch. This naturally includes prostitutes of various types (soaplands, call girls, etc.). Though some delivery health services are trying to cash in on the crisis with coronavirus-themed marketing, we expect most fuzoku establishments are closed or running reduced hours right now. Naturally, accurate numbers of these are hard to come by, though we did read an interview with a sex worker at an Ikebukuro ...

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NMB48's Sae Murase has posed for stunning lingerie shoots featuring the popular idol in various states of undress. These are all highlights promoting the 23-year-old's new, eagerly awaited photo book "S ga ii" (roughly, I Like to be Sadistic), which was released on April 22. It is Murase's debut photo book and was produced in South Korea. The slinky lady looks devastating in black or leopard print panties. Her slim waist is so hot it could melt cheese. And man, those pert buttocks are practically clenched tight enough to bite. Needless to say, these previews have ...

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The former Morning Musume idol Asuka Fukuda has posed for a hair nude (full-frontal nude) shoot. Now 35 years old, Asuka Fukuda's looks have matured from the cute to the alluring, and we like the results very much. She lies down and shows off her naked body including an attractively trimmed bush between her legs. It's been a while since we saw a major nude debut, so this is a bit exciting in our world. Though the former Morning Musume star Maki Goto, for instance, posed for semi-nude shoots and even showed off her naked butt, this is apparently the first fully nude shoot by a ...

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Have you ever wondered what type of Tenga Cup are you? Which onacup reflects your current mood, personality, or fashion style? One creative Twitter user took this to the next level: by assigning Tenga Cups to match the different outfits of a woman -- specifically, a music idol. The classic red "deep throat" onacup is sporty. The white version is a shrine maiden. The Premium Cup is a glitzy outfit. The Rainbow Pride Cup is a bikini. And so on. There are two versions of the collage that has gone (very slightly) viral: one featuring Mai Chusonji (aka Chanmai) and the other with Kaori ...

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One gravure idol is so proud of her buttocks that she used them as the "paper" for telling a kamishibai-style story. Kamishibai (literally "paper plays") are old types of street theater storytelling with a narrator and illustrated boards. Though it is very rare to see it outdoors in Japan now, you can still find kamishibai events for children. Maity is a G-cup idol who is ostensibly head of the "thong squad." She got a friend to draw illustrations on her butt cheeks. The story seems to be able two friends who get separated. Maity then shared the results with fans in a series of posts on ...

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