Buzz is building about 18-year-old gravure idol Rio Teramoto (寺本莉緒), who will release her first photo book very soon. Crowned with the prestigious gradol title of Miss Young Magazine 2018, the teenager has a busty and curvy body that belies her youth. The as-yet-untitled debut photo book will come out from major publisher Kodansha on March 25th, pushing the idol and actress' career to the next phase. Rio and her toothy grin already have a million followers on Instagram. Could she be the next Nana ...

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As spotted on Twitter by Unseen Japan, a recently announced survey about sex had some troubling results for people in Japan. The survey asked "What's the most pleasurable thing for you?" and, not surprisingly, sex came out top in most countries, though "delicious food" was the top-ranked response in Japan. Any quick glance at the food porn that comprises most of the content of TV shows in the nation will confirm the veracity of this, perhaps, but is it a bad sign? Or rather, just what we already knew from previous research? Sex was bested in Japan by spending time with a loved one, holding ...

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The Apple of the Japanese adult industry, Tenga, is back with another hit masturbation aid for men: behold the Tenga Geo. In terms of color and sculptural beauty, this exquisite-looking remind us of the Tenga 3D, but the Geo is also brilliantly original, shaped like spheres or spores of masturbation pleasure. There are three versions of the Tenga Geo to choose from (Aqua, Coral, and Glacier), each with a different design of gel that you can reverse and wrap around your cock while you tug and pull. As our friends at Kanojo Toys write: With an elegant wave pattern, the Aqua ...

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Busty Sayaka Tomaru (都丸紗也華) is one of the many idols releasing a new photo book this winter. The 23-year-old's third photo book release (and first in around two years), cryptically titled "Mee Tomaru," comes out on January 25th and features the idol's I-cup breasts front, right and center, albeit unfortunately without revealing any actual nudity. All right, we don't know if her bust actually qualifies as an I cup but that's the official claim. These stats are frequently exaggerated and, besides, Japanese cup sizes are measured a bit differently to other ...

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Lots of women make their debuts in the Japanese adult video industry to relatively minor fanfare. After all, it's a crowded market. If they are lucky, newcomers get a big marketing push and it helps boost their career prospects. And if you are someone making a well-publicized switch from another career -- music idol, gradol, acting, TV presenting -- you are guaranteed extra publicity. But it's rare for porn producers to have so much faith in their new star that they even create a sex toy to accompany her debut release. That's what's happened with Runa Hotsuki (朋月るな), whose ...

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At the end of last year, we reported on a batch of high-profile photo book releases, including by seiyuu Sumire Uesaka. But as was generously pointed out by an eager reader, another major voice actress also released a photo book that is very worthy of attention: none other than the recently divorced, sexy jukujo Rie Tanaka. Now in her forties and still as hot as ever, Rie has shared some highlights from her photo book (her fourth, by our count), which was released in Japan on December 23rd, 2019. While we have yet to get our hands on an actual copy of her photo book, "Bisai," or, failing ...

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The end-of-year period in Japan is a bit like Christmas in Europe and North America. Everyone has time off work and spends it with their family doing various traditional things like eating certain dishes or watching terrible TV shows. In the prefecture of Kochi, though, some people instead chose to have sex in public parks. At least, this couple did, since they were flagrantly filmed by a passerby and eventually had to be stopped by the party-pooping local police. Photos of the incident, which apparently took place in Tsuitemae Park in the prefectural capital of Kochi, seems to show a ...

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Just when you think Tenga couldn't get any more mainstream, along comes another development to prove you wrong. Tenga is always a savvy one when it comes to promotion, as its Christmas popper recently showed. The Apple of Japanese adult toys (for men and women) has frequently engaged in clever stunts and campaigns to raise awareness and acceptance of its masturbation aids and other toys. But this is perhaps one with potentially the widest reach yet. Behold the Tenga iPhone case. Yes, now iPhone users will be able to advertise their love for Tenga and all the wonderful things ...

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Oh, the danger of the casual, candid selfie. Idols from groups like AKB48 have always sold themselves as regular girls that are not out of your league. They are "the idols that you can meet" -- especially at hand-shaking events where fans pay to do so. Part of this appeal is cultivated by their social media output. It's common for idols to post pictures and selfies showing their normal lives and what takes place behind the scenes. When AKB48's Kyoko Yamada recently took some backstage selfies in the dressing room before an event, however, she gave fans more than she (or her AKS managers) ...

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This is the grim reality for Comiket if you are a cosplayer. Sure, if you're a popular cosplayer like Enako, no doubt you get your own team of staff to help manage the crowds, but for the amateurs and the small fry out there -- of which they are many -- you are nothing more than a toy or meat to be haggled over, parsed, and lensed by the snapping cameras of hordes of male visitors. And all at ultra-close proximity. These two pictures widely shared online have once again revealed this situation, this time at Comiket 97 held at the end of December at 2019. As is clearly visible, the men are ...

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