What was sex in Japan like in 1991? That's probably not a question you hear enough. But given that the Heisei period is about to end with the current emperor's abdication next spring, what better a time than to look back on what people imagined sex should have been like back in the early days of the era? We stumbled upon some scans of a spread from the April 1991 issue of Deluxe Beppin, an adult magazine published in the 1980s and 1990s in Japan. We found them on the fascinating portal of vintage sexiness that is Deluxe Beppin Maniac. The spread is an ambitious and impressive to ...

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We spotted someone share some tosatsu shots with interesting visual results. Apparently this is what happens when you use an infrared camera to take photos secretly of a Japanese girl in a bikini. The image is, of course, black and white but with her blood vessels "exposed" by the photography. We're not exactly sure about the science behind this, though the visual effect is arresting and, arguably, alluring. We also don't know who the girl in the bikini is -- if this is a genuine tosatsu, though, she is probably an "amateur" -- but we like what we see. What do you ...

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Japanese television unwittingly gave air time to a popular porn star when it was interviewing people about the recent SoftBank network outrage that left users in Tokyo completely without phone connections for several hours. While not named in the interviews, Momo Sakura was one of the people the cameras spoke to about their experience dealing with the blackout. Sakura was filmed at a train station complaining about her inability to use Line or make calls. And this is what Momo Sakura looks like during the day when different kinds of cameras are rolling. You have give ...

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She tempted us with her hot but tame sex scenes in TV drama for a while but thirtysomething gravure idol Manami Hashimoto finally did a proper nude sex scene in the film And Then There Was Light (in Japanese, Hikari), which came out in Japan last year. And finally some screengrabs are floating around, though we have to apologise for the poor quality. Hopefully we can get our own hands on a DVD or better images soon. There are two sex or nude scenes of note in the drama to enjoy, it seems. In one, Manami Hashimoto has sex with her young male lover (played by Eita) in his apartment. They ...

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If like us, you prefer some adult items for Christmas rather than the usual socks and Hollywood DVDs, then there's a treasure trove of toys in Tokyo waiting for you. After all, though the Christmas season is generally spent eating and watching TV with family members, there's no reason why it shouldn't also be a period for enjoying some private time either alone or with a partner. And that's, of course, where adult toys come in. In our humble opinion, the sheer range and originality of the toys in Japan makes them the best. Our friends at Kanojo Toys, the best online destination for ...

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As the Heisei period enters its final months, what better time to look back to... the Showa days! Clearly there is still something alluring about the 1970s and 1980s, given the way idol Yumi Asahina's recent photo book brilliantly imitated their vintage charms, and the references to these older style of shoots made by Iori and Rukino. We wanted to take a trip back in time and pick out five examples of Japanese ladies who hit it big back in the 1970s and 1980s. (This isn't actually our first stab at doing this of list. For other examples, check out the selection we made back in ...

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Asahi Mizuno, one of the biggest names in adult video, announced her retirement from porn on December 1st. Posting the announcement on Twitter, she says she will continue to appear in AV until the end of February, which marks her sixth anniversary since entering the industry. Of course, it's possible that she might just be leaving her current agency, C-more Entertainment, and will graduate to somewhere else under a new performer name, perhaps after a short period of time off. Either way, fans have less than three months of official new Asahi Mizuno porn to consume. We can only ...

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The AKB48 idol Yuki Kashiwagi, whose fans once turned her into a robot, has stripped down to her panties in an episode of the current TV drama Kono koi wa tsumi na no ka!? (Is This Love a Crime?!). In what is probably a very Japanese touch, the panties had cute strawberries on them. While this time there is little more than just a glimpse at the back of her panties, the trailer for the next episode of the show hints at some shots of her bust. Pretty tame stuff, sure, but we reckon fans are delighted. The 27-year-old Yuki Kashiwagi, aka Yukirin, is one of the most ...

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We're starting to wind down for the year, looking forward to Christmas and taking a view back over the months that have passed for the best adult news stories and toys in Japan. Perhaps we'll put that in a post one day soon later in the month. What were the best porn titles we saw during 2018? With so many great debuts throughout the year, that's a harder question to answer. Plus there were all the great AV we saw with established stars. It's a question that becomes especially tricky when exciting releases like this burst onto the market in December, making us forget much of what we ...

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While there are plenty of gravure idols and adult video stars who are exceptions, there's no escaping the fact that breasts tend to be on the small side in Japan. Indeed, some ladies have absolutely tiny breasts -- A cups and the like! For those times when you encounter a "chopping board" chest, a useful word for your Japanese vocabulary is "hinnyu," literally meaning "poor breasts." These are so common there is even special lingerie for such women. Tama Toys, however, knows that hinnyu can still be sexy and so have come up with the Japanese Flat Chest Fetish Tiny Breasts Toy. As its ...

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