Another minor scandal in the Japanese entertainment world is here: Karen Kimijima (also sometimes spelled Kimishima) has been arrested for using cocaine. Police from Fujisawa, Kanagawa (of all places!), took her into custody on February 5th, according to media reports. The sexy dancer (and former member of the go-go dancer Cyberjapan Dancers unit) and model (with a frankly awesome butt) has appeared in music videos and is associated with the hip-hop scene, having appeared in music videos for various artists. Under the name Karen Tsukishima she has also released gravure DVDs. Clearly ...

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If the idea of having an affair with a beautiful Japanese woman in her thirties, then turn on Asahi TV's drama Holiday Love. One storyline in the series features the seiyuu Marika Matsumoto in just such a scenario. Last week we blogged about her modest yet alluring sex scene in the drama, which revealed a tantalizing amount of flesh. In the latest episode, Matsumoto and her lover are caught in a passionate embrace. During the resulting showdown, we get long and lingering looks at Matsumoto's beautiful back as well as slender legs. The closest we get to genuine nudity is a bit of side ...

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No chronicle of Japanese adult fetishes is complete without mention of tentacle sex (aka tentacle rape). Known as shokushu goukan in Japanese, the trope was made famous by The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife by Hokusai -- a shunga erotic print vividly depicting an ama diver's fantasy of an octopus having sex with her -- but pops up in other walks of life, too. We really liked an erotic photo shoot we spotted in 2016 of a slinky Japanese gravure idol rollicking with a live octopus. And it was recently on a mainstream TV show! Kayoko no Heya is a late-night program on Fuji TV fronted by Kayoko ...

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Following her previous semi-nude scene in the TBS TV drama Kimi ga Kokoro ni Sumitsuita, popular cutie Riho Yoshioka has followed up with another hot scene in the third episode of the series. In the show, her character has to model a bra at a public event. During her trip down the catwalk, however, she slips and falls. While this is hardly the stuff of high drama, it does mean that viewers get a lingering look at her naked back, slender waist, and modest bust. And Riho certainly does look mighty fine in lingerie, though we already knew that. Well, Riho ...

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We've been tinkering with this list of Japanese movie sex scenes for a long, long time, and finally think it's ready to share with readers. What follows is a highly subjective list -- more our personal favorites than anything else -- and, for convenience sake, restricts itself to just the past 20 years or so. We will also continue to update it. It was intended as an expansion or continuation of our previous list of Japanese actresses who are happy to do sex scenes -- there are fewer than you might think! -- and just grew from there. Here are the ladies, arranged in alphabetical ...

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We're late to blog this but we've just come across this Abema TV report from the end of December about love hotels and Christmas. Christmas in Japan is not a family event: it's an event celebrated by couples on Christmas Eve, which usually means a romantic meal somewhere, followed by sex either at home or at a love hotel. But is this still the case? Abema TV went a-wandering on Christmas Eve in Shibuya -- home to Tokyo's famous "love hotel hill" -- and found that many hotels were not as full as you might expect. One hotel, they found, was two thirds empty. They spoke to some ...

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Voice actress (seiyu) and actress Marika Matsumoto (33) has done a sex scene in the current Asahi TV drama series Holiday Love. This is mainstream Japanese television, so don't expect any actual nudity, but it's still pretty sexy to see Matsumoto -- best known for her voice work on anime and video games -- like this, especially now she's a mature woman in her thirties. And regular readers will know that we can't resist a jukujo. She gives her male partner a good smooch after he tenderly kisses her slender stomach, and then wraps her arms around him as plunges into her body. It's not as ...

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We frequently encounter amateur Japanese nude selfies in our daily explorations of the netherspheres of the web and frankly there are just too many of them to post. But this recent "goddess of Twitter" is simply stunning to overlook. The Japanese female college student posted full-frontal (hair nude) images of herself in her home, giving us a great look at her body as much as her domestic life. Her bush is nicely cropped but sometimes she seems to be paipan, so there's something for all tastes. She particularly likes to pose with her yellow phone in front of her mirror as she shows ...

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Chikan is a chronic problem on public transport in Japan that doesn't seem to be getting better any time soon. Despite the introduction of women-only carriages during rush hour and the display of posters and "shame stickers" warning offenders that groping is a crime, the number of men who do it never seems to decrease. If #MeToo was just about chikan, the number of tweets would likely break Twitter's servers. Kumi Sasaki says she was groped "nearly daily" on her commute to and from school in Japan. She was aged between 12 and 18. Her first experience of chikan was on the crowded JR ...

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It's rare for us to take a look at Taiwan, so here's a quick overview of a film from that oft unfairly overlooked island nation. Directed by Adam Tsuei, The Tenants Downstairs (2016) is about, to quote IMDB, "a sadistic landlord manipulates the lives of his tenants through a network of surveillance cameras installed throughout the building." For readers with long memories, the premise is pretty similar to the early 1990s erotic thriller Sliver. The Taiwanese film features nude scenes from Yu-Wei Shao (Ivy Shao) and Xing Li (Lu Fu Ling) as well as Lin Tzu Ning and Yu Pei Chen. There's ...

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