Yuki Mamiya’s naked bondage sex scenes in Sweet Whip
January 13, 2016
/ Tadashi Anahori
We previously covered the slinky, slutty delights of Yuki Mamiya, aka Yuki Mogami.
The gravure idol is an occasional actress, appearing in such masterpieces as the soft-core pono Chotto Kawaii Iron Maiden.
She has already done semi-nude (butt) shots and some very revealing gravure idol "image videos".
But in May 2015 she did a hair nude (full frontal) shoot for Shukan Gendai, shot by the legendary Hajime Sawatari. He is a famous photographer but also does these hair nude shoots from time to time, such as with AV actress Yuu ...
Only the other day we blogged about Tenga's awesome Year of the Monkey design onacup.
Well, Tenga actually closed their special year of celebrations for their tenth anniversary by opening a new store in downtown Osaka in December.
It's their first dedicated outlet in Japan and occupies a prominent site in Namba (our old stomping ground).
To promote the store, Tenga invited porn star Mana Sakura to join them for the opening. Mana is fast becoming Tenga's go-to girl for advertising.
Here she is cutting the ribbon and then posing with Koichi Matsumoto, the ...
Check in at this amazing steampunk Japanese love hotel in east Tokyo
January 10, 2016
/ Tadashi Anahori
Japanese love hotels come in all shapes and sizes.
There are all manner of crazily themed hotels out there, enough to fill more than one coffee-table book.
A recent one we looked at is Keibajo US in Niigata, with its classrooms, hospital ward rooms, and more, plus there is this great "vintage Japan" hotel in our old stomping ground of Osaka.
Here is another great example of the sheer inventiveness and skill of love hotels to appeal to our fantasies.
Again, as we know from the history of love hotels, like with most of the really outrageously designed hotels, it is not in a ...
Tenga creates Year of the Monkey design onacup for 2016
January 9, 2016
/ Tadashi Anahori
Tenga doesn't waste time and money with New Year's cards, as is the custom in Japan.
Instead it produces a special customized version of its Deep Throat Onacup to celebrate 2016, the Year of the Monkey.
The deep red of the cup is paired with a gold monkey face and mizuhiki-style ribbon.
Sadly this isn't for sale but what a great ...
Translation device ili for gaijin to pick up Japanese girls
January 8, 2016
/ Tadashi Anahori
Imagine an app that could translate what you say accurately so you can communicate with hot girls from other countries?
Well, there are actually plenty of translation apps out there, not least Siri.
But wearable technology company LogBar claim their device ili is unique because it doesn't require an online connection, yet can still translate between English, Chinese and Japanese just by speaking into it.
They boast:
ili is the world's first wearable translator for travelers. Say goodbye to all language barriers.
And they marketed it by showing it in action with a gaijin ...
21% of Japanese men in twenties have “no interest in” sex
January 7, 2016
/ Tadashi Anahori
More moaning and groaning about "sexless Japan" in the Japan Times, this time in a piece titled For many young Japanese, marriage — and sex — are low priorities.
It highlights an 18-year-old who "winces whenever he imagines himself dating a girl".
Stats maketh the truth. The article has a nice survey to back up its theory of under-sexed youngsters: 74.3% of people in their twenties are not in a relationship, compared to 50% in 1996.
Another poll found that 40% of people in their twenties are "not looking for a relationship". Meanwhile, yet another study by the Japan Family ...
You got pleasure in your hands and a world of fantasy behind your eyes. But sometimes you need more.
Sure, the onahole may be awesome, complete with kinky moe illustration on the packaging.
Yet we crave stimulation of our other senses too, and sometimes just clicking on some porn won't do it for you -- especially because there may be a disconnect between what you watch and you hold.
So Japan's adult toy makers have been developing sex toys that come with their own audio experience integrated into the design of the toy.
We've seen these types of releases for a couple of years now. ...
Gravure politicos: Nude performance artist Rena Masuyama enters mainstream politics
January 5, 2016
/ Megumi
Rena Masuyama (増山麗奈). Writer, artist, journalist, painter, film director, left-wing activist, and all-round wacky woman.
She was part of Momoiro Guerrilla, a performance group that did a "torture talk show" at Fuchu Art Museum in 2004, where she had a vibrator stuck up her pussy while she talked about the tragedy of war.
Born in 1976, Masuyama performed body painting where she squirted milk from her lactating breasts over a live audience.
She made many examples of provocative "breast milk" art, often clad in the kind of gear that the Hooters girls wear to work.
And ...
The Japan Times has published an interesting article about Pilcon, a safe sex organization started by a young Japanese woman.
"Asuka Someya discovered she was pregnant at the age of 20 when she was a university student."
This proved the fuel for her later founding of Pilcon in 2013. Now every two months it holds workshops and talks to make up for the shortcomings of sex education (or lack there of) in Japanese schools and families.
It has also produced YouTube videos about safe sex, such as this one which has been viewed 1.5 million times since late 2012.
It contains the quite awesome ...
Former AKB48 and sister group idols who have “graduated” to porn careers
January 3, 2016
/ Tadashi Anahori
This is a working list of idols from AKB48 or sister groups like SKE48 who have graduated onto second careers in nude modeling and/or adult video (AV).
There are rumored to be others but these are what we know of. Share if there are others!
Momona Kito
The most high-profile recent graduate into the porn industry, Momona Kito starred in an ostensibly one-off porn release by Muteki as Yua Mikami. It was such a hit, she has since decided to do more and make a whole career of it.
Rina Nakanishi
Rina Nakanishi was the pioneer, laying the ground for the other idols who have followed in her ...