The threat announced by ISIS to execute two Japanese hostages, Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa, unless the government pays them $200 million shocked many. But not Japanese netizens. They responded with amusement -- by mocking the extremists through a series of composite images on social media. Yes, a Photoshop contest is apparently the best response to terrorism. Maybe the government will follow suit with its own montage. There are allegations that the video is a fake -- the shadows are strange and the background coloring looks imposed -- but regardless, two lives are potentially at ...

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Another day, another media article about sexlessness in Japan. This time it was an article by Jiji that got republished on The Japan Times. It focuses on a survey from last September by the Japan Family Planning Association about married couples. It found that 49.3% of people said they had had no sex in the past month. "There was a disparity in the sexes," the article claims, though in fact the numbers are almost the same: 48.3% for men were sexless, 50.1% of women. So around half of people don't have sex! Of course, it's natural that married couples have sex less frequently ...

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We've all thought about it. Some of us have even tried it. What would happen if you stuck a vacuum cleaner hose around your cock? Does it feel good or will it tear it off? Well, not having personally had the guts to try it, we can't comment. But here's an awesome new Japanese sex toy that takes this concept and creates something totally brilliant. The Vacuum Master connects not only to a household vacuum cleaner to create a powerful vacuum effect on you. Not only that but it can be used with onaholes to transform your vacuum cleaner into a realistic sex machine. First you ...

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A few years ago people started talking about the "Chiisai Ojisan" -- the "tiny uncle". He was first reported in 2009 and is said to live around a shrine in west Tokyo. Apparently measuring no more than 20cm, the small man may be some sort of yokai (Japanese sprite). As we've written before, Japanese erotica has a fetish for "small" people, such as the koonago fantasy of having sex (and even eating) with tiny girls. This time it's a benign leprechaun-like Japanese guy who apparently hangs around. Don't be scared if you stumble upon him as he is harmless. Just don't accidentally ...

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It just goes to prove: being an middle-aged otaku does not mean you stop being attractive to the opposite sex. Toshio Okada, the famous anime producer and writer, and co-founder of Gainax (Evangelion), has been exposed as a mass philander. The 56-year-old chubby otaku had his cat let out of the bag when a picture of a smooch with a younger lady was leaked online. The 21-year-old girl posted the purikura (photo booth) pic on Facebook on December 31st, along with screen captures of her exchanges with Okada on Line where he says he loves her. The girl did it because she claimed ...

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Remember the Zettai Ryouiki Flashing Skirt? We blogged about it late last year as a cool gadget-cum-cosplay item that really draws attention to that sexy area of the upper thigh, known as zettai ryouki ("the absolute zone"). In this skirt, developed by Kiyoyuki Amano of Kayac Inc, multi-colored flashing lights have been added to a Hatsune Miku miniskirt. It looked awesome before but now the creators have set up a proper Tumblr account with lots of great images of the flashing skirt in action. So next time you see a girl in Akihabara with what looks ...

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Ten years of Tenga! Yes, Japan's most designer brand of sex and masturbation aids ("the Apple of Japanese adult toys") is a decade old. While we don't wish to blow our own trumpet (no euphemism implied), Kanojo Toys has played a part in their success. Of course, that Tenga products are now global bestsellers is first of all thanks to the quality and innovation of the series. But Kanojo Toys and Tokyo Kinky (when it was just the Kanojo Toys blog), along with the old CScout Japan trend blog essentially "broke" the story to the world when Tenga first appeared. A then small ...

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Orient Industry is on a bit of a roll at the moment. On top of the awesome Mitsu no Tsubo luxury masturbator, another new product they created last autumn was the Party Doll. While not a full sex doll per se -- i.e. there's no onahole slot so you can't have full sex with the lady -- it makes up what she lacks in downstairs genitalia with extra upstairs functions. Quite frankly, we've perhaps never seen anything as exciting as this! The Party Doll is, as the name suggests, for parties. Party Doll Bunny Girl Saori is an American Playboy bunny (bunnygirl) character. More Japanese ...

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We're a little late on this -- hey, as you'd expect, our main focus is on Japan! -- but it's a fun story about Korean ladies, so allow us to indulge. When we blogged recently about gorgeous Korean actress Oh In-hye stripping off for yet another explicit sex scene in Korean film The Plan, we were reminded of her antics at the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) back in 2012. On the red carpet she wore a suitably red dress, though a Grecian one that plunged down to her stomach and revealed her braless, amazing bust juggling around as she walked. The smiling Oh In-hye knew exactly what ...

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Over the weekend we reported on the bizarre case of the 55-year-old lecturer found completely naked on the campus of Taisho University, where he worked. It was at 3pm that students stumbled across the man in a corridor without any clothes on. Then there were few details so we could only speculate... Now the truth has emerged and boy, is it good! Media reports are now running stories explaining that the unnamed man, who has since resigned, was a part-time computer science lecturer who had taught at the college for a decade. Why was he wandering the campus without his ...

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