Ignition, a newish English-language online magazine about Japan, has published an article on "Japan: The Sexless Nation".
The article is actually a translation of a piece that appeared in a Japanese newspaper, by Kaku Sechiyama, a professor at University of Tokyo.
It is provocative, to say the least:
Japan has the lowest sexual frequency in the world, and it is the only country where the percentage of people who are not happy with their sex life is higher than that of those who are.
In 2005, out of people in 41 countries, Japan ranked lowest -- with an average of sex just 45 ...
Lonely? Male Japanese cross-dressing cosplayer turns himself into “girlfriend” for Christmas
December 25, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
Happy Christmas to all our readers and visitors!
Christmas in Japan is a time for three things: strawberry shortcake, KFC chicken, and sex. Especially Christmas Eve is seen as the most romantic time of the year, the night when you are meant to take a special someone out on an expensive date.
Not everyone has a girlfriend so this time of year can be a bit lonely for singletons.
But cross-dressing cosplayer Nemunemunnn decided to take the matter into "his" own hands. He cross-dressed as his own cute "girlfriend".
The results are impressive. Would you know the ...
Vagina artist Rokudenashiko (Megumi Igarashi) charged by police
December 24, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
Artist Rokudenashiko (or Rokudenashi-ko), popularly known as the "vagina artist", has been charged following her arrest earlier this month.
While writer Minori Watanabe was recently released for displaying the model of female genitalia in her adult shop in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, Rokudenashiko (Megumi Igarashi), who was arrested at the same time, has now been indicted by the police after 21 (!) days being held without charge.
This means her case will go to trial, which is always a long process here. Whether she is found guilty or innocent (Japan has a 99% conviction rate!), at the very ...
Sailor Fuku Ojisan schoolgirl uniform cosplayer gets his own mobile phone game
December 24, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
We suppose it was inevitable that Japan's most famous cross-dressing elderly gent would get his own mobile phone game app at some point, and so it has proved the case with Sailor Fuku Ojisan (Sailor Uniform Uncle). Also known as Hideaki Kobayashi, this gentile cross-dresser has been a regular spot all over Tokyo the past couple of years (even we saw him by chance on a random train once).
He has attracted fans (and also the police), so of course some people want to monetize this celebrity.
Sailor Fuku Ojisan now has an official game.
"Sailor Fuku Ojisan: Lucky Sorting Game" was ...
40% of Japanese men in their twenties say they have never had girlfriend
December 23, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
A new survey by Recruit Marketing Partners has some shocking results.
41.6% of men in their twenties say they have never had a girlfriend. Only 26.% of unmarried people in their twenties, thirties or forties say they have a lover.
On the other hand, before we write off the Japanese male as a "sexless beast" -- 64.% said they "want a lover", so perhaps the issue is just one of working too long and not having the time to chase after a partner.
We've seen this kind of sex and relationship survey before and they always seem to have headline-grabbing results: 45% of Japanese women ...
Man-eater actress Megumi Okina in alleged affair with younger actor Ryo Kimura
December 22, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
We love a scandal and we love a woman who knows what she wants.
Megumi Okina married the CEO of Cyber Agent in 2004 but divorced him the following year. She went through a dry period in her career and then got hitched again in 2009 to a businessman in a shotgun married. She had a second child in 2011.
A famous nikushoku-joshi (man-eater), in the past she has been linked to many famous men, including Takumi Saito and "bad boy" actor Manabu Oshio and nude pictures (called nyan-nyan photos) of their coupling were leaked. Oshio would later be sent to prison for his part in the death of a ...
When we showcase the wonders of Japanese idols, models and actresses, we don't just focus on the girls of the moment. We also like to look back at the ladies from yesteryear. Some of the style of the photos might be old but the beauty is timeless.
Our idol this week is Azumi Kawashima, who was born in 1979 and is a former adult video starlet and model no stranger to full hair nude shoots, as these opulent images reveal...
She retired a few years ago, after a career of porn, B-movies and photo books in the late 1990's to early 2000's. The good news is that Azumi is still only in her ...
Wata Danna, Wata Yome are huggable dakimakura pillows showing the evolution of the Dutch wife
December 19, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
Dutch wives -- a euphemism for sex dolls, especially ones which don't look like sex dolls -- are always evolving.
From Taiwanese art projects to the masterpieces of foam that are the Dekunoboo, hug pillows come in all shapes and sizes.
And some are barely disguised, while others are pretending to be more sophisticated. Take the Wata Danna and Wata Yome, two new cotton "partners" for lonely people who want a friend when none is around, or who want to turn their home into a soine sleep-together cafe.
These "cotton husband" and "cotton wife" products are ...
Taiwanese artist Lee Kan Kyo loves dakimakura Dutch wife pillow idols
December 18, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
You see! It's not just Japanese guys! Other Asian men also have a thing for dakimakura.
Artist Lee Kan Kyo originally hails from Taiwan, though he came to Japan in 2007 to study. Now he is holding his first solo exhibition in Japan at Guardian Garden gallery in Ginza.
And the theme? Pop art-style dakimakura Dutch wife hug dolls.
The exhibition "Dream That Girl (Don't Stop)" -- which may or may not be ironic -- will be held from January 13th to January 29th.
It will feature around 13 exhibits of Lee Kan Kyo's original idol ...
Toot No Slip male boxers keep your package forever in same place
December 17, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
Underwear is important for showing off your package but also keeping it firm and steady. After all, life throws a fair few things at you -- from being jostled by crowds to the trials of not getting hard when on a rush hour train with some hot office ladies...
The Toot series of "no-slip" male boxers promise that they will keep your cock in the same place no matter what happens.
Don't believe us? Well, the boast is "scientifically proven" by their video demonstrations.
The funkily colored underwear is designed to keep you in the "best position".
They tested this by a series ...