In 1995 Ganari Takahashi helped set up Soft on Demand and it has grown to become the biggest porn producer and retailer in Japan. SOD is one of the prime reasons that Japan is said to be the largest consumer and creator of pornography in the world. But in 2005, after netting himself $10 million, he turned his back on the industry that he had done so much to create, becoming a... farmer. Yes, Takahashi set up a farm co-operative in 2006, hoping to use some of his know-how about pink celluloid for other purposes (and spend ¥1 billion of his own dosh in the process). This was no pipe ...

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A trip to the dentist can often be a nerve-wracking thing, especially if your pearlies need some painful work done. But this pervy dentist in Ichinomiya City in Mie Prefecture did little to allay his patient's fears. Rather, apparently he was just intent on having a good time for himself. The 53-year-old took a charm to the twentysomething woman who came to his hospital to get her teeth fixed. He told a dubious story that "massaging your chest will help the alignment of your jaw" and promptly took her to side-room in his clinic. Whether she was naive or just scared, we don't ...

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It's not easy being a Japanese male porn start. They are literally just a handful of bonefide stars (and thousands of anonymous performers) in an industry dominated by the girls. To make ends meet they might perform in up to six films a week! With men so dispensable, it's time to stop screwing around, as they say. On April 1st, the Japan Porn Actors Association (JPAA) will come into existence. But this is no April's Fool Day stunt. Inspired by the problems with HIV and STDs that paralyzed the American porn industry last year, the JPAA has been created by veteran actor Genji ...

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We love selfies. Correction: we love to look at cute girls' selfies. In Korea there are plenty of lingerie selfies out there. What about Japanese girls? Well, there Jigadoribu, or "selfie club", which features a stunning array of a Japanese Gravure models posing for selfies. The images are drawn from the models' own Twitter accounts as they take behind-the-scenes snaps (of varying quality) from their latest photo shoots or just showing off their bodies at home, whether in lingerie, cosplay or just ordinary wardrobes. The models co-operate in the scheme by tagging their ...

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We all have images we like to look at when we, you know, service ourselves. Purikura are the "photo club" booths popular with young Japanese, who pose and then customize and decorate the images with their friends. This guy seems to have a serious thing for not only female high school students -- who can blame him?! -- but also the pictures of the girls taken in the Purikura booths. This picture was originally posted by the man himself on Twitter before it exploded online and earned the scorn of 2ch. Fortunately he is wearing a (scary) mask but his lair, decorated floor to ...

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Now this is a woman! When those idol group girls graduate and put a few more years on them, this is what they become. Behold, Machiko Tezuka! The 27-year-old hottie was a former SKE48 idol group member who then joined SDN48 for a while. She has had a rather peripatetic career, as these minor idols often do, including joining Seifuku Koji Iinkai for a time in 2002. In 2004 she changed her professional name to Ourei Harada to become a Gravure idol. She then promptly retired in 2007. And then in 2009 she changed it to Eiko Maeda for when she joined in SKE48. And then she ...

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If you're a AKB48 fan, you are probably a vulnerable individual with money to burn and an appetite for over-priced merchandise. And if you know someone like that or come into contact with them -- be warned. They may just steal your money. As we know, otaku fans idol groups are famously willing to put themselves into serious debt in order to purchase thousands of CDs. But this is taking things to almost mafia levels. Kyoto police are now set to prosecute six men, all aged 20, who stole information from other people's credit cards so that they could buy nearly 500 CDs by the group ...

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When we think of Japan, we don't tend to think of condoms. Far from it, this is the land of thousands of unwanted pregnancies, where most celebrities tend to get married shotgun-style and STDs are rampant. But one company is fighting this. Sagami is not only doing its utmost to product incredible contraceptive products but is also trying to promote sex in general. It is part condom maker, part sociology lab. It has set out to investigate the truth about sex in Japan and is responsible for some of the best research done into mainstream sex habits in Japan. It also produces the ...

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Japanese girls are world experts in make-up. Almost no girl leaves the house without at least a dab of blush or foundation, and women quite advanced in years can still look superb. Skin quality is praised above sexiness. Recently there has been a trend for celebrities posting pictures of themselves as suppin (no make-up) on blogs and so on. Nozomi Sasaki, the popular angelic actress, has found herself caught up in the "trend" when she took part in a promo for a cosmetic product in which she appeared without make-up. Here you can see a before-and-after. She did it to show ...

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Another day, another fetish-related crime. We only just recently blogged about the man who stole everything from satchels to curtains from an elementary school, and now comes this news -- first shared on Tokyo Reporter -- of a thief whose interests was exclusively the shoes of hostesses. Well, anything related to hostesses we can understand; these ladies inspire a thousand fetishes. On Monday Tokyo Metropolitan Police announced that they had arrested a man for stealing shoes from hostesses. Sho Sato (28) took high-heeled shoes from clubs in Tokyo, Kanagawa and Saitama. The ...

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