We all know that college students have a lot of sex (if they're lucky) and that it's an age when you explore things. After a few drinks you might even try some kinky stuff with your new partner. Well, that's all going to stop at one Japanese university. Kinki Daigaku used to call itself "Kinki University" in English, an apparently harmless reference to the name of its region. Well, maybe they were more innocent times back in 1949 when the university was founded and the English name decided. However, being pronounced "kinky" and spelt almost the same, the name naturally causes a lot of ...

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Do you like getting a handjob? Sure you do. How about from a Japanese high school girl? Her 18-year-old delicate hands wrapping around your member, giving it a two-handed shake... Giving a new definition to "hands-on" reporting, we tried out the Yojo Senpai Her Small Hands, which is a Japanese sex toy designed to replicate the gentle pleasures of a schoolgirl's handjob. This isn't just a gimmick. The two hands really do wrap around you very snugly. Be sure to apply plenty of lotion before you slide yourself in, as the hands do make for a very tight cupping effect. Not ...

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We all have fantasies about the sexy nurse who knows how to tuck you in. Well, at least one nurse in Osaka really did have the know-how, cultivated through experienced at her second job. Tokyo Reporter has picked up a nice story from the media about the Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health, which has suspended a 24-year-old nurse from work because the young nurse was also employed at an Osaka “fashion health” (a type of sex club) from August 2013 to April this year. The nurse was accused of violating internal regulations regarding side ...

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Who says old people can't think about sexy stuff? Not in Osaka, that's for sure. Japan's traditionally roguish second city's residents came up with a great way to revitalize Fuminosato Shotengai, an old shopping street. They created a series of ironic and eye-catching posters about the local businesses. What we loved the most were the particularly risque posters which showed that even when the demographic skewers older, the mind still skewers dirtier. They ran a poster design competition to support the remaining shops in the arcade, once a thriving commercial street but which, like ...

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Have you ever watched Japanese pornography? Have you ever had sex with a Japanese girl or listened to someone else having sex with one? It's not all girls but a large number will make noises the likes of which you never imagined could come from a partner. Is it crying? Is it high-pitched moaning? Is it screaming? Either way, it can be very off-putting for some, not to mention embarrassing in case your neighbors hear. After all, you're not raping the girl! But then they also saying things like kimochii (feels good) and iku iku (I'm coming). Why do they do it? No one has a ...

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Wow, this is big. We have been worried about police crackdowns for a while, especially with the upcoming Olympics likely to become an excuse for exerting state power. Could this be the tip of the iceberg? Police have raided one of Tokyo's top BDSM clubs, KUNKUN. The Ueno club is pretty big (we've been there) and also fairly new (it opened in mid-2012). It is the base of one of Japan's best-known shibari (kinbaku) rope bondage art masters, Hajime Kinoko (Hideto Hiramatsu). Of course, there is a thin line between being bondage club where a show may take place and being a "happening" ...

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The sweet 26-year-old Hatsune Matsushima (松嶋初音), known by the nickname Hachu, was born in 1987. Her cute aura combines with a pure eroticism that is at once fragile but compelling. Okay, enough poetry. Here are the ...

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Tenga is back and with a whole new kind of product. The makers of the Tenga Egg and Tenga Flip Hole have turned to convenience for their latest inspiration. Pocket Tenga is now available -- it was announced a few weeks ago but we held back to blog about it when it was actually on the market -- and is the ideal sex toy to take around with you. Ideal because you can literally slip it in your pocket and Tenga have even considered the disposal process! Pocket Tenga is super stretchy and works like an Egg. Just open up the sachet, pour in the lotion (included) and then get to work with your ...

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Parody and sex. Not a typical partnership but one that you can find in abundance in Japan. Japanese sex toys are always making allusions and references to popular culture. From the Atushi Male Body Dildo (pop idol Atsushi from EXILE) to the "hi-jitsuzai" unreal Virgin JS First Fellatio (a reference to the "hijitsuzai seishonen" wording in the controversial revision to Tokyo laws for "protecting youth" against harmful manga), there is a host of wordplay and in-jokes just waiting to be unravelled. The Hyper Dash Rotor Vibrator Kit is inspired by Gakken's Otona no Kagaku "adult ...

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Photographer Hal is, as the name suggests, a photographer in Japan. While that may not sound unusual, one glance at his output and you'll see this is not the stuff you tend to encounter on Flickr. Photographer Hal creates amazing vacuum-packed photography in which naked couples embrace each other in a plastic bag. "Photographer Hal started packing couples together in futon vacuum bags to preserve their love forever. The process to achieve this eternal image is very organic and each couple can only be left inside the seal bag for 10 seconds." Using futon sealing bags, the ...

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