Q. Please introduce yourself. Who are you? What do you do? My name is Pickles Bourne, and I am a nightlife ambassador in Tokyo, Japan. I work at a company called Kaku-Butsu, which operates a prostitution shop review website in Japan. At Kaku-Butsu, we created a website for visitors who want sexual services called Japanese HENTAI Girls Collection (JHGC). JHGC offers a concierge service, offering you a personalized selection of companions that fulfills your request. My job is to support tourists and visitors in Japan to experience the best out of what Japan has to offer, especially in terms ...

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We always like to welcome back old friends at Tokyo Kinky. Haruka Ayase's return to gravure, while quite modest, recently put a big smile on our faces. And so it is with a little squeal of glee that we greet the gravure comeback of Miwako Kakei. The Terrace House alum was a big gravure idol in the mid-2010s but has been content to plow a trade as a regular model, celebrity, and actress in more recent times. (Her acting gigs have particularly picked up in the past few years, especially for TV dramas.) For whatever the reason, she has gone back to what she was originally good at, and is ...

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Japanese sex dolls are some of the best in the world in terms of quality and variety. In particularly, the silicone sex dolls by the likes of Orient Industry are the crème de la crème. They are not, however, cheap. Given the amount of craftsmanship and material that goes into them, not to mention all the options you get to customize them, this is no surprise. And perhaps it is a surprise that a prefectural government should splash out on a sex doll using public funds. Well, there's also the issue of ethics too! Tokushima Prefectural Government reportedly spent more than ¥400,000 on a ...

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The new Amazon Prime series Expats has a stacked cast, including the likes of Nicole Kidman as one of the titular wealthy foreigners living in Hong Kong. We hope Ms. Kidman will forgive us but our focus has been on Ji-young Yoo, mainly because of her sex scene in episode 1. Ji-young Yoo is shown leaning back alluring on her hands while bouncing her thighs up and down in the lap of a guy, who grunts as they have sex and even gives her a couple of slaps for reasons not really clear to us. Now, that's no way to treat a lady. One of her small yet succulent nipples is on display and begging ...

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The previous episode teased us with a preview that looked good. They didn't lie. We reported last week about Rikon Shinai Otoko (The Man Who Doesn’t Divorce), the buzzy new TV drama starring ex-AKB48 idol Mariko Shinoda in a post-divorce comeback role as an adulteress, cheekily riffing on her own marital issues (in which she was accused of an affair). Since it's showing on mainstream Japanese TV, there's no actual nudity -- so don't get too excited if you want to see the 37-year-old in the buff -- but it's pretty explicit for all that, including a doggy sex scene. And that was just the ...

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Late last year, we showcased the ageless miracle that is Fumie Nakajima, who looks amazing in swimwear even in her mid-fifties. As they mature, Japanese improve with age like a fine wine. A couple of cases in point: Yoko Kumada and Sayaka Isoyama, who both look stunning in their forties. If further proof was needed, here's another example. Making her debut way back in 1994, the gravure idol Yuka Sawachi (沢地優佳) has managed to survived in a competitive industry in which idols are often discarded after a few months of shoots for the weeklies. She actually retired in 2007 and then ...

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Another month, another damning survey that says Japanese couples are sexless. The latest, conducted with 4,000 married people, concludes that two in three marriages in Japan are sexless. The survey asked people in their twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties (500 men and women from each age group). The results show that 68.2% engage in little or no sexual intercourse: 43.9% of respondents said they had fully "sexless" marriages, while 24.3% were "nearly sexless." Of course, like with all surveys, there are issues here, not least how they define "sexless" (zero sexual contact, ...

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Sex in Japan can be noisy business, with excessive groans and even "narration" of how they feel from the female party. Couple this with thin walls and windows, and densely packed residential areas, and you have a recipe for overheard copulation. This can be a kinky experience but also infuriating, especially if it's late at night and you just want some shut-eye. It can even lead, as we've shared before, to receiving angry notes from neighbors. But is this grounds for more serious legal repercussions? Legal website Bengo4 recently considered this issue. It received an inquiry from someone ...

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Yesterday we reported on AKB48 alum Mariko Shinoda, who is attempting to recover from her adultery and divorce scandal by playing an adulteress in a TV drama. Now here's another AKB48 lady who is on the verge of leaving the supergroup and, in a (desperate?) bid to make a splash as she graduates, has shown fans a flash of her butt. The slinky 27-year-old is publishing her first photo book and the previews reveal her naked rear -- or rather, show Okabe herself deliberately pulling down her bikini bottom to expose her butt. Okabe will graduate AKB on March 27, with her as-yet-untitled ...

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If you want to recover from a scandal and rebuild your career, one tried-and-tested method is to reinvent yourself: take a different kind of acting role, do something more provocative. Previously, female Japanese idols, actors, and models in a career slump have dropped their clothes for sexually explicit roles or have appeared in nude shoots. Angelica Michibata's nude photo book after her scandal is a case in point, as was Maki Goto's after her rumored affair. Former AKB48 idol Mariko Shinoda found herself in a personal and professional pickle when her alleged adultery was exposed in 2022. ...

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