It's that time of year again. With the AKB48 "elections" taking place to see who gets to sing in the next song, Twitter is awash with pictures of boxes of CDs and tickets purchased by passionate otaku fans. One fan has shared images of towers of boxes, boasting that they spent 1,917,800 yen on them -- and paid for on delivery in cash to the mail man too! They now have thousands of CDs to play to their heart's content. Another is meant to have shared images of 1,614,400 yen's worth of merchandise -- about half a year's salary for most people. Or there are piles of ...

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Think you like a bit of MILF? Think again. You've got nothing on this guy. An unemployed man in his mid-forties has been arrested in Aichi, central Japan, for groping a pensioner. The man professes to be mad about mature women -- so-called jukujo -- and couldn't resist the woman he saw in her seventies. Hiroyuki Kojima apparently watched a "video" (i.e. porn) and that converted him into a MILF lover. Actually, Japan is meant to be experiencing a "jukujo boom" right now, led by the likes of Dan Mitsu. However, it is very deceptive since Dan Mitsu et al are in their early ...

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A 31-year-old man has been arrested for pretending to be a comedy duo's manager in early March and approaching gravure model Momoko Tani (28) in a department store. There she tried on some clothes and he put on a show of being helpful. "It's dangerous so I'll carry your bag for you," he told her, whereupon he then stole her bag and went off. The comedy duo, Bananaman, is now very popular in Japan and no doubt the suspect believed that claiming to be their manager would be a ticket to all sorts of fun activities he normally could not do. Ironically, Bananaman's actual manager is a woman ...

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There is magic in Japan and it's called cosmetics. It's well-known that Japanese women spend more time and care on their make-up than women in other countries. Shiseido and its peers are respected for being some of the most successful and effective cosmetic brands in the world. Here we can see it in action. S Cawaii fashion magazine organized this incredible demonstration of the power of make-up. It took a bunch of girls who, without being mean, were fairly ordinary looking -- or perhaps even, if we are honest, below average. But cosmetics was used to bring out their true ...

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Last autumn a sensual ad for Glico's sweet Dororich drink with five Gravure idols was a big hit. Glico had such a good time with the curvy ladies that they made a new one! This time the five lovely ladies are... Anna Konno (b. 1989) Ayaka Sayama (b. 1993) Asuka Kishi (b. 1991) Mitsuki Hoshina (b. 1996) Arisa (b. 1989) It's great to see Gravure idols getting mainstream exposure like this. More of this ...

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No one is above the law. An ex-cop from the riot police has been arrested for the attempted abduction of a 15-year-old school girl in Akishima, Tokyo. Former police sergeant Koichi Omura (32) left the force in March but has been busy since then. He is accused of coming up to a fifteen-year-old high school first grade student early in the morning on April 15th. He was in a rented car and she was walking along a street. "There was a crime nearby. You need to cooperate with me in a case," he said to her, no doubt hoping either to terrify her into "cooperation" or to make her feel ...

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Outspoken Osaka mayor and founder of the Japan Restoration Party, now Japan’s third largest party, Toru Hashimoto has got himself in hot water over some comments he made about the "comfort women" during the war and his recommendations for how to avoid rapes in Okinawa. Hashimoto, no stranger to getting noticed by provocative comments, told reporters in Osaka on on Monday that the "comfort women" (local women forced into prostitution by the colonizing Japanese forces in Asia during the war) were necessary in order to maintain military discipline. The women “were necessary in ...

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Boys, time to despair. The pages of your tabloids won't be filled with images of sexy Gravure model Yumi Sugimoto for a while. The top sexpot has come down with acute pyelonephritis, meaning she has to take a few weeks off work and recover. Recently Yumi has been working more in the mainstream, including a role in a musical till earlier this month and even a supporting part in a NHK period drama in 2012. She also appears in the tokusatsu TV show, Engine Sentai Go-onger. Get well soon, ...

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A man has been arrested for molesting a woman on a train, known as chikan in Japan. Nothing new in that. Another day, another groper. But this time the 26-year-old man from Osaka claims the whole thing had been arranged via a special online forum. On the website people who want to molest and a woman who wanted to be molested invited collaborations for a public "session" on a moving train. The date and plan was set for the Kokawa-Kainan Wakayama line one morning during the Golden Week holidays. The woman told forum members what she would be wearing and that she would respond ...

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We've always known that the people behind AKB48 do not understand the meaning of bad taste, and here's the latest demonstration. From Lolicon kiddy dancing to "hand-bras", AKB48 continues to plumb the depths of the cringe-worthy. AKB48 member Yuki Kashiwagi is filmed grating a yam to make totoro for no better reason that than it is an excuse to show incredibly gratuitous and infantile shots of her drinking what is suggested to be cum. Seriously, this is embarrassing to watch. They literally show close-ups of the idol's mouth eating the white liquid -- and yet, Yuki is forced to ...

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