Hyogo prefecture police this month announced the arrest of three young boys aged between 14 and 17 on suspicion of forcing a girl to dress up as Santa and walk around town. The bizarre crime in Himeji City has already been acknowledged by the arrested trio. "Our jokes went too far," they said. The four were apparently a group of friends who used to hang out together. They bought a revealing (and no doubt cold) Santa costume showing the shoulders and legs from a local store, and made the high schoolgirl dress up in it and parade around for three hours in the chilly afternoon of ...

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After a brouhaha that erupted in the last days, including Young Magazine's latest issue being shunted to the next week, the controversy over the Tomomi Kasai photo book continues. Now Kodansha, who also publish Young Magazine, has announced that the photo book won't be going on sale as planned on February 4th. Presumably they will pulp the copies and re-print it without the problematic photo. The provocative image featured Tomomi with her luscious bust bare, with the nipples cupped and covered from behind by a seemingly naked foreign infant. Certainly people seemed pretty ...

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Kodansha, which had planned to put the latest issue of Young Magazine on sale tomorrow (January 12), has been forced to postpone the publishing date to January 21st. Why? Because it suddenly realised that an ad page announcing a new photo book for Tomomi Kasai, soon to leave AKB48 formally and concentrate on her solo career, was "inappropriate". Yes, Tomomi and her "hand bra" poses are too sexy for Kodansha (admittedly, the "hands" are not Tomomi's but those of a young boy). The issue would have featured Kasai heavily, including on the cover. Instead, the next issue will appear ...

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Worried what your family might find if you were to suddenly pop your clogs? Those intimate pictures of you and your ex you keep stashed under the book case? How about over 1,000 adult movie titles? Yes, this formidable collection was discussed in the possessions of a former elmentary school teacher, according to the accounts provided by a certain Ryuichi Yoshida, well versed in clearing up after people pass away. It must have been a real treasure trove of classic porn! Yoshida runs a company that sorts out the possessions of dead people, such as when the family don't want to ...

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Good ol' Osaka, ever the dirtier, less noble metropolis compared to Tokyo. Remember this is the city that gave Japan the cup of instant noodles AND no-panties cafes! Take the case of a certain Mr. Yamaoka, a simple 37-year old guy who just happens to have an addictive fetish for stealing women's panties. Yes, what could be wrong with that? Well, a lot actually, especially when you are going around literally ripping the underwear off girls. He would go after anyone, even people just walking along the street on their way home. He was eventually arrested in November for ...

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The Japanese have a thing for tentacle sex. From historical shunga prints to modern day manga and anime, there are countless examples of monsters attacking, groping and penetrating pretty damsels with their hairy appendages. It's actually more like a form of "rape" (and we use that word with caution), as reflected in the Japanese term for it, shokushu goukan (触手強姦). The most famous example bar none is Hokusai's immensely sensual The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, in which an octopus is literally eating out a beautiful woman. Yikes! I bet her hubby didn't see that ...

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Remember how last year we blogged about Soine-ya, the awesome bed-sharing place in Akihabara? It's a kind of logical mix of enjo kosai (compensated dating) and maid cafes, allowing you to snuggle up and "sleep" (but nothing more) with cute young girls. They have now opened a new second place in Shinjuku and also offer a new service! Now you can doze on a lady's butt for the pricey sum of ¥1,000 per minute. That's something like $11 for 60 seconds! Not sure how much shut-eye I could get knowing my wallet was being emptied in such a way, but I guess it's more the feeling ...

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Do you like Akihabara maids? Who doesn't?! Even if otaku idol girls are not your thing, everyone can still see that an Akihabara maid cafe lady is a hottie that needs to be given the real customer attention she demands. Now you can... with just your hand. The Akiba Maid Onahole has been cloned from a genuine Akibahara maid. Now you can pump away inside a maid till your heart's content every day -- and without paying the silly table charges they slap on you in Akiba. We visited one maid cafe last year and were a bit disappointed, to be honest. They were employing ...

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Sorry, we're a bit late on the uptake with this but it seems that Japan's least favorite idol group is not just a musical incarnation of Satan, though with a FEW hot girls thrown in (and some right stinkers like Tomomi Itano!) -- it is also an illegal drug! We had a very big chuckle about this when we heard. What irony! The group that is for otaku a real addiction is literally a pharmaceutical substance! Granted, this is all according to the authority that is Wikipedia, which has been known to be the occasional victim of sabotage. But the Wiki page is well annotated, ...

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Erika Sawajiri is no stranger to almost shedding her clothes, not to mention acting like a spoilt and uptight bitch. It's never clear how much is true and how much is a cultivated personality, though. Her recently released film Helter-Skelter contains some glimpses of the real Erika, by which we mean her flesh! It's pretty tame by many people's standards, especially Korean actresses', but it's still a nice way to start your day. Saying that, apparently during the making of the film they had a lot of trouble extracting a convincing performance from Erika. During the sex scenes ...

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