One of the Japanese tabloids is currently running pics apparently of former AKB48 idol Atsuko Maeda looking drunk, dishevelled and generally not very cute. She is with some guy (apparently an actor) in rather dubious circumstances, and is even seemingly photographed being carried to a waiting car possibly without any underwear on. Tabloids are not famed for their integrity or honesty, so we cannot vouch for the veracity of the details, but we do like a juicy scandal when we sense ...

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Regular readers will know how we adore Japanese sex dolls, aka "real love dolls", especially the luxury models made by Orient Industry, such as the now classic Candy Girl series. Ten years ago it was completely different really, but the web has helped legitimize the erotic art of 100% silicone love dolls. We wanted to do a little round-up of all the videos and clips there are available for easy viewing... And if you want the even better Japanese thing, the Orient Doll love dolls made from high-grade silicone? Check these clips out! Candy Girls have since given way to other ...

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A few years back there was a very popular sex machine called the Mens SOM Rocket Type, a kind of thrusting onacup which performed an awesome job of jerking you off while you did nothing but watch -- and enjoy! The Rocket remains a very popular seller but the same makers have also come up with an alternative version, which has now finally become available for people overseas. It is the same principle as the Rocket, only this time it is a hand (holding a kind of "cup") that literally gives you a handjob. Not surprisingly, then, it's called the Men's SOM Hand Type. You can adjust ...

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All those PR events, ad campaigns, handshaking marathons, and constant music concerts are taking their toil on poor SKE48's Rena Matsui. Rena is taking some time off after the state of her physique forced her to cancel a handshaking meet-and-greet event recently. Otaku fans, especially those kept waiting to shake an idol's hand only to have it snatched away, are not known for being forgiving (or even having socially capable personalities), so we hope they take this new development well. After all, a girl's got to have some time off, especially when she is a merely sprig of a girl ...

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The end of the year might still be months away but the merchandising machine knows no time limits for AKB48, whose new official 2013 calendar promises to include "god panties". Needless to say, these are not real Japanese used panties but some sort of strange underwear advertised as both "eco" and "erotic". They are even made of paper! The lucky purchasers of the Akiba ladies' newest product will also be rewarded with a clear plastic file, a poster and some "live" photos of random members. Reservations to get a copy start on October 31st. Needless to say, this is being ...

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A Kawasaki city civil servant and bank employee have been caught sneaking in to shoot pictures of a middle school student cheerleading dance event. The two, aged 36 and 42 respectively, were getting images of the school girls' cheerleading event during a local culture festival when a teacher noticed their suspicious photographic activities. Apparently the pair said they were part of an experienced "secret photography circle" and had done similar things at other places and events. They had been taking photos of the 27 young girls, including close-ups of the thighs of ...

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Talk about having "something to declare" in your luggage... A university student has tried to kidnap a young girl by forcing her into a travel bag and then take her in a taxi to make good his flight. The twenty-year old Tomohiro Kodama brandished a knife at a twelve-year old girl near Hiroshima Station earlier this week. He forced her to get into travel bag -- 70 x 30 x 30cm -- and then flagged down a taxi to continue on to god knows where. Luckily the taxi driver heard the girl's voice coming from the bag after Kodama had put it in the trunk. When he stopped at a red light he ...

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If you like a girl with intelligence -- and we know there are plenty of hot, smart girls in Japan -- then don't be put off by science students! Sure, they have a kind of geeky image but there is a whole legion of lovely ladies manning (no pun intended) the labs, their beautiful faces reflected in test tubes. A competition is currently being run to find the prettiest science student or young female science researcher. You can check out the six contestants here. From the sultry Ryoko Suwa, who looks hot in a lab coat and often goes to Roppongi, to the more tender Akira ...

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Dekunoboo make Japan's best foam sex dolls (aka "plush dolls") and a new model, the aptly named Ecstasy Body, on offer to international customers is for people who don't want the fuss of heads and wigs -- and all the maintenance they require. Instead the Ecstasy Body "just" provides you with a gorgeously rendered physique and lets you deal with it in your own way. Check out the large bust, beautifully curved butt and slender waist. There are many benefits to plush dolls, as opposed to blow-ups or silicone love dolls, including their modest cost, their durability, ease of ...

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We've just come across this hilarious tumblr blog called Where is Tenga? As you might guess from the name, it's a photo blog featuring Tenga onacups and other designer Tenga adult toys in unusual places, often posed in cute and surprising ways. If you thought Tenga were just there for your private enjoyment, think again! The makers of this blog take their Tenga sightseeing in Asakusa, to the zoo, to factories, playgrounds, temples... and more. It hasn't been updated in a way but for now there are NINE pages of the series, sometimes featuring the "owner" of the ...

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