K-Pop girl group KARA were asked at a recent press conference what they thought about Takeshima/Dokdo. Naturally, not being politicians, it is unfair to call on them in this way... but journalists are cruel and cannot resist stirring up a hornet's nest. KARA are on of several K-Pop bands who are active in Japan and have fans are both sides of the ocean. A wrong word on these thorny issues can alienate people forever. Korean actors and music artists who work in Japan have been submitted to this trial recently, compared to "fumi-e" -- where in the Tokugawa period, Shogunate ...

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After police predicted an unprecedented amount of fans would gather, the last chance to "meet" Atsuko Maeda while she is still a member of terrible pop "music" band AKB48 has been cancelled at the last moment. On August 20th some five hundred thousand people were in Ginza to watch the victory parade of Japan's returning Olympians (despite many of them putting in slightly mediocre performances). Not sure if half a million were expected to witness pre-solo career Atsuko head to her swan song concert at the AKB theater in Akihabara, but apparently public safety fears prompted a change in ...

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Another one bites the dust. Yuko Sugamoto from HKT48, the Fukuoka spin-off of AKB48, has announced she is quitting. It is an open secret that this is due to her management finding out about a "relationship" she had, including possibly drinking and smoking with a fan. However, the official line is that all she did was exchange email addresses and answer a mail... which hardly seems taboo-breaking to us. Japanese girls are just not allowed to have relationships if they are in an idol group. Heaven forbid that reality infringe on the "pure" fantasy that their management have crafted so ...

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As much as we love Korea, K-Pop, Korean food and Korean girls, the continuing furore over the island of jagged rocks that is Takeshima/Dokdo has been causing some upsetting silliness over on the peninsular. Now an internet has put up a sign in Korean and (bizarrely) English stating its refusal to allow Japanese would-be netizens from entering the premises. Both Korean and Japanese online observers have been quick to point out that if the sign is not in Japanese, people will not understand it -- or just won't think to read it. The sign displayed proudly at the internet cafe in ...

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This week's scrumptious starlet is Mitsu Dan, a Gravure idol born in 1980. Particularly voluptuous and sexy, Mitsu has also frequently been called bisexual. We really like Mitsu because she has a kind of old school beauty and, despite being a Gravure model, her photo shoots have a slightly nostalgic feel, like in the pre-AKB ...

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American reputations in Japan are not the best, it has to be said, especially if you happen to be a member of the military forces stationed at various points around the country. But we wonder if this latest development will have a positive or negative effect on relations... A navy petty officer has ben arrested for inflicting injuries on two Japanese guys -- punching them and even breaking a nose -- on a platform of a station in Yokohama. Why the ruckus? Well, apparently the Okinawa-based officer, D'Angelo Rett (24) (Note: name based on katakana -- as yet cannot confirm alphabet ...

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Something strange has happened. Despite having said that AKB48 just had no genuinely sexy members -- except, perhaps, at a push Haruna Kojima -- I've been changing my mind recently about at least one of the ubiquitous girls. She might not be as famous as the main ladies but in my humble opinion, she is far better looking in both a cute (kawaii) and genuinely sexy way. This is a hill I am willing to die on. This lady is none other than Rie Kitahara. Rie was born in 1991 in Aichi, a pretty dull prefecture, it must be said. Well, she's left that all behind her now and, although she hasn't yet ...

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One of the branches of Soft on Demand (SOD) is currently seeking men to appear in a new feature. Well, even with the library of JAV porn titles produced every year in Japan -- possibly the highest in the world -- it shouldn't be too hard to find pro, semi-pro or just average Joes to play roles, right? But these guys need to be virgins! The maker is looking to recruit as-yet non-deflowered men over 18 and who of course have no prior experience with filming porn (no doubt they have lots of experience watching the stuff). Well, this could be the craziest way to loose your cherry ever, ...

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The Magic Mirror Car (or "MM Go") is a great trope that pops up in many Japanese porn films. It takes a truck with one side converted into a "magic mirror" (one-way glass) so you can see the world outside going by while all sorts of crazy things happen in the truck -- and on camera. The kinkiness lies in the contrast between the nudity and sex and the totally normal life on the streets outside that goes on innocuously, oblivious to the movie being filmed meters away. Originally the JAV titles using magic mirror moving studios implied that the people outside could see in like a window, ...

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A recent beauty survey in June of women in their thirties and forties looking for the place in Japan with the slinkiest waists. (Not sure why they didn't ask women in their twenties but let's not judge right away.) Curiously the most slender apparently is Hyogo, the large large prefecture west of Osaka that includes Kobe, a long coastline (on both sides) and a bunch of mountains in the middle. Hmm, rather surprising but it must be the girls in Kobe. Number two was Kanagawa, just outside Tokyo (includes Yokohama, Kawasaki, Kamakura), proving that perhaps to find the sexiest girls, you ...

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