At the recent World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya, Japanese cosplayers were among the winners Held annually since 2003 and featuring cosplayers from 20 countries worldwide, some 18,000 people came to see the event. This year's overall winners were Yukari Shimotsuki and kaito, both dressed as characters from the Hakuoki ...

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This week's key word in the erotic Japanese dictionary is zettai ryouiki (絶対領域) -- often translated as "the absolute zone". A major part of otaku and moe culture, zettai ryouiki refers to the area between of the upper thigh when it is being exposed by a nubile and sexy girl, particularly when she is wearing a skirt and knee socks. The phrase also occurs in Evangelion and so possibly became slang from there. It's not just about the exposure of naked flesh on the leg. The amount and proportion of sock and skirt is also very important in framing and emphasizing the ...

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One of the most interesting trends in Japanese adult toys is parody or the way it uses other media as inspiration for "unofficial" adaptations. This is particularly the case with anime or otaku-themed onaholes. A new example is inspired by Papakiki!, the popular anime and manga series, and known by its full title as Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father! (Papa no iu koto wo kikinasai!). Taking the schoolgirl virgin characters and converting their tight pussies into handy holes, the Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Horny Father! is a new series of three holes. Here's how ...

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During the Winter Olympics we all got very excited about Japan's cute curling team. Now it's the Summer Olympics in London and all local eyes are on the sexy volleyball ladies! In particular the slinky looks of Kaori Inoue and Saori Kimura have been attracting attention. Best of luck, girls! Good to see the Girls Generation (SNSD) ladies getting into the Olympic spirit as well. AKB48 vs. Girls Generation at volleyball, anyone? Now that would be an event we'd like to ...

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There are lots of rumors or open secrets about Gravure idols and minor celebrities in Japan. One is that plastic surgery is rampant. Another is that sex with management is common -- and a necessity to progress in the industry. Another has been proved true by the recent experience of one of the most popular Gravure models working in Japan today, Yuu Tejima. Yuu, known for her huge I-cup breasts, has admitted that she will turn -- dramatic drum roll! -- 30 next month. Previously she and her agency took two years off her real age so that she would seem younger in the early part of ...

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Following in the dinky footsteps of their forefathers (or, fore-ladies), the wonderful girls of SKE48 are also now to get their own official venue. Nagoya-based SKE (named after Sakae, an area in the city) have up to now being using the Sunshine Studio as their performing home, but from September it will revamped as a full theater, much like the famous AKB48 venue in Akihabara. This shows the growing success of the spin-off, probably the biggest AKB sister group. (There are several others, including in Fukuoka, Osaka and even Jakarta.) It has a following of course in central Japan ...

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Soft on Demand has a reputation as the biggest and best porn company in Japan. Its titles are innovative and daring, involving the most famous stars and directors. Now comes their latest twist. To work for SOD you would have to be of a certain mindset, right? Actually, we've met some of the employees and we can vouch for how "normal" they are. But clearly the porn is infective. Take the example of Aya Sakurai. She was just an ordinary "office lady" (OL) working in the PR department for SOD. But she got so into the products she was helping sell that she ended up being scouted to ...

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Slinky and sexy actress Ryoko Yonekura is known for being nubile and sexy... and unmarried. The 36-year old former model has famously done semi-nude photo shoots for Anan and was recently appearing in the musical Chicago on Broadway. Having recently broken up with her Japanese boyfriend, Ryoko is now said to be getting very "close" to her choreographer on the American hit show. During the long rehearsals she took in New York to prepare her for her challenging role she and Gary Chryst apparently became more than just colleagues. Chryst is no doubt used to being close to women ...

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Summer is racing by, don't let the weekends go to waste! Now is the time to hit Kamakura beach and the other stretches of sand around Tokyo, because there are guaranteed to be legions of hot girls. Outside the vaunted world of idols and JAV porn, you won't catch any nudity, unfortunately. But the girls will be wearing very skimpy wear, for sure, and there is aways a legion of slutty bronzed gyaru as well. Actually, the lack of nudity on Japanese beach -- in contrast to other parts of local culture, like communal bathing -- means the men are fascinated by foreign beaches, ...

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We're going a little nostalgic with our idol-gazing this week. It's time to feast your eyes on the voluptuous delights of Chieko Shiratori (白鳥 智恵子). Born in 1975, Chieko was a minor star in the Nineties before she retired for domestic happiness with her husband and child in 2000. If she still looks anything like these pictures, then you can bet your horses that that's a very happy home ...

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