They say that China will one day be the most powerful country in the world. And perhaps it's no surprise when even their natural resources can manufacture onahole masturbators! Yes, in a well in a suburb of Xi'an a very special mushroom has been "discovered" which local news got very excited. It's an extremely rare and ancient form of fungus, eaten eaten even by the first emperor! Apparently... Is it a fake? Of course. But apparently in tightly controlled China, on top of Google and the BBC, you can't easily get your hands on a onahole so people didn't recognize a masturbator so ...

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Every time Tenga comes up with a new product or release we are constantly surprised. Whether it's a collaboration with a music event or art exhibition, or a whole new adult toy, it's always nothing less than exciting. In keeping with the hot, humid summer, Tenga's team of boffins have put their heads together to how to keep us cool. With nuclear power plants switched and air-conditioning likely to be rationed to conserve energy, Japanese men this summer will certainly need it! The result? The two Tenga Cooling Onacups! They've taken the Deep Throat and Soft Tube, still ...

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Sorry, boys. Japan's sexiest seiyuu Rie Tanaka (33) has got hitched! Her lucky husband is fellow voice actor Koichi Yamadera, who's fifty-one years old! Clearly Rie's in need of a father figure if she's chosen a man eighteen years her senior! It was announced in a very romantic way -- on Twitter -- and there's currently no indication that Rie's going to be giving up her seiyuu career. I think we can safely assume, though, given her age, that she's going to start having babies very soon. And then that will be the end to lingerie photo shoots, no doubt! Yamadera is the voice of Eddie ...

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Recently I've been having a few problems down there. I reckon it's been from overuse but Megumi assures me it's just my age. Well, I tried Viagra and the like, though I found the effects a bit artificial. So I was very interested to try the kind of tool my ancestors would have experimented with, now recreated by the makers of the Higo Zuika traditional dildo. The Higo Taiho Erection Pump has a slightly startling name but it's not as scary as it sounds. In fact, it's a simple-to-use support that slips over your member. In your spare hand you then squeeze the pump to tight around your ...

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In the same week that the AKB48 moneymen claimed victory in the amount of hype and advertising cash their well-greased PR machine could turn their "election" campaign into -- comes a scandal that proves just how controlled and fake they are. A minor member of the band, Rino Sashihara (b.1992), has sort-of admitted to the rumors started by a tabloid that she seduced one of her otaku fans. Shock horror! A girl exploiting her fame to get some fun and pleasure for herself?!! Well, it's okay if it's men (unless you go as far as, say, Edison Chen), but with an idol, and especially for ...

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Mieko Tanaka, the sexy young politician in the ruling DNP party, has been caught with her lover visiting a hotel. Not such a big deal -- after all, even politicians have needs -- except that her man, a senior civil servant, is married, according to the Shukan Shinshio, published on June 14th. Adultery in Japan is often forgivable if you are a man -- but the women are not so lucky, and can end up tainted with the brush of promiscuity or the temptress. After a roadside kiss near Osaki Station in Tokyo, the pair headed for some no doubt more advanced stages of foreplay in a hotel. Tanaka ...

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We've just discovered this incredible series of "public toilet" Japanese porn titles, where Mika Osawa and others gets locked up in medieval stocks, to be subjected to bukkake, penetration and whatever else the visitors to the toilet desire. Not for the faint-hearted, this is BDSM JAV at its best! The latest entry is Public Sperm Toilet Superstar Submission, a classic of cumshot With graffiti on her legs tagging her with her price, Mika is then submitted to multiple sex from multiple partners at once...culminating in TWENTY ejaculations! In Fantasy Public Toilet, Mika is ...

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It's not often we like to use the term "only in Japan" but sometimes it's just about right. Though it's defunct, at the height of the love doll boom in 2004-2005 (at least, boom in its recognition in popular culture), when TV shows were finally taking an interest in the amazingly ultra-realistic silicone brides of Orient Industry, and there were even doll rental services -- then in your book store you may have been lucky enough to get a copy of the glossy magazine i-doloid. Made by Core Magazines, who specialize in adult or underground mags, sadly it's now no longer in print, it ...

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It might be summer but it's still the season for April Fool's, especially when it involves two things the Japanese really love: technology and porn! An enterprising CEO of aptly named design firm "Life is Good" decided to play a joke on his employees, where he rigged their computers to play JAV porn from a Japanese streaming site as soon as their machine booted up. You can check out the amused but panicked reaction of one employee just arriving (all sweaty from the Japanese early summer heat) and signing on, and the giggling schadenfreude of the rest of the team as they wait for the ...

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Masako Umemiya is an actress and model born in ...

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