Okay, I admit. Even us girls sweat. And sometimes it is smelly. It's nothing like as bad as you guys -- have you ever been on a rush hour train in Tokyo?! -- but we do have a certain, ahem, odor. Those professional and smart ladies on TV too? Yep, even they can get caught with a damp patch under their arms... But there are guys who like unusual things and perspiration is one of them. No fear, reach for the Japanese Virgin Girl Sweat Spray and recreate that sweaty smell on your onaholes, clothes or whatever else takes your fancy. Not only is this like the sweat of a super cute ...

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This is a controversial topic among the TokyoKinky blogging team. Just are the minions of AKB48 (let alone their copycat groups) even good-looking? Taro and I have been definitely in the "no" camp, while Megumi sat on the fence ("They are kinda ordinary, sometimes cute, but clearly would be terrible in bed), versus Kazuki in the "yes" camp. But then we saw these very nice pictures of Haruna Kojima looking almost like an adult and, though flat-chested as hell despite the best efforts of a push-up bra, also quite attractive and sexy. We are not so naive as to discount the skills here of ...

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For some time now we've been collecting general thoughts about how the Japanese differ in the bedroom department. I reckon this wil be the first of many posts but here are a few ideas for now! Noise This can apply to all Asian girls but probably most of all Japanese chicks. Noise. Be prepared for it. Lots of it. Actually, we could call this better screaming. You will likely be shocked by the high-pitched gasping and wailing the girl will be making while you pound away. She doesn't think she's being raped. She just thinks she'd supposed to make the noises. There are all sorts of ...

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Following on from Shit Asian Girls Say, we now have Shit Japanese Say to Gaijin! Our gaijin friends tell us this is quite true-to-life, though there are several parts that are specifically for Americans and black Americans. We should also add that for many Europeans, the "shit" includes being automatically assumed to be an English-speaker! For those few readers among you who do not watch Japanese television avidly, the "Bob" at the beginning is a reference to Bobby Ologun, a token black tarento in the "entertainment" ...

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What will sex be like in the future? What will masturbation be like? We can already hook up masturbators to computers via USB and simulate screwing porn stars. Hell, we can even have sex with onaholes designed to feel like a famous girl's pussy. Trust the Japanese to come up with this one, though, which combines technology, anime and a futuristic outlook. 3D Custom Girl USB Onacon is an adult computer game where you can personalize your own anime girl with thousands of different parts. Then comes the really fun bit! Add the onahole vagina to simulate having sex with your new ...

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The Japanese have always been kinky. You may know that there are ancient Japanese dildos, historical erotic prints, fart war scrolls, and even bamboo sex dolls from long ago. But did you know there was also a sex shop in old Tokyo? Yotsumeya was in the Ryogoku area of Edo (the old name for Tokyo), a bustling center and not too far from the famous red light district, Yoshiwara. It first opened in 1626, making it the oldest adult goods shop in Japan, though sadly it closed in the Meiji period (late nineteenth century) when Japan was trying to "modernize" (and did such foolish things ...

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We love uncovering and sharing with the world the unsung heroines of Japanese ladies! We often blog about sexy idols but there are plenty of very, very beautiful regular Japanese actresses as well. They don't do gravure style bikini shoots but they still often do nude shoots or very sexy photos. In Japan this isn't seen as degrading or damaging to your acting career, and typically the shoots will be collaborations with famous photographers. Naoko Watanabe (渡辺奈緒子), born in 1984, is a very attractive actress who, though not a star, has been in several high profile releases, ...

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Balls. Us guys all have them. Sometimes they just get in the way. Other times the girls give them nice attention. Girls who play with balls are sexy enough, we know. But what about balls themselves? Can they be sexy? Well, they can if they open up and include a nice surprise inside. To add to the gym training-themed sex toys we've been experiencing recently, now comes the Excite Athlete Sex Balls, a set of "sports balls" -- baseball, golf, soccer -- that each contain a unique fiendish masturbation sleeve. Original, innocent to the eye and great for storage, this was a ...

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At Waseda University they've made available another side to traditional Japanese art in the "Fart War Scroll Picture" (屁合戦絵巻 or He-gassen-emaki), a series of images telling the epic tale of breaking wind competitively in ancient Tokyo. Japanese humor can sometimes be very slapstick and we have trouble relating it to our western chums. Lavatorial jokes are pretty universal, though, and it seems that Edo era Japanese had a liking for this kind of comedy, if this scroll is anything to go by. Beyond this one that Waseda has made available online, there are more examples ...

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A doujou or dojo is a training place for ancient Japanese martial arts. A sort of Japanese gym. But our cocks need training as well, it seems! We've just been sent these two Karikubi Dojo ring cups. While most masturbator sleeves end at one end in a sort of chamber filled with nubs and stimulators. These Karikubi can be penetrated right through, plus held on either end for better, faster action. The "karikubi" of the name refers to the corona base of the glans penis. Since you can hold the handles you also have complete control on the pressure, angle and speed -- kind of like a ...

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