...unfortunately not. Just a really, really bad example of Jinglish/Engrish. But for a moment we really thought it was the BEST kind of sale ever! Nope, locals really just don't know how to use English appropriately in their retail promotional campaigns.
[Via twitpic and Facebook]
Hurry, it's only until January 9th! Apparently this fuckin' sale is taking place at gallerie store in Shinsaibashi, the most famous shopping street in downtown Osaka. All those Osaka ladies are in for a real ...
All right, guys, here are our top tips (a partial list) for getting yourself a Japanese girlfriend or just a one-off session with a Japanese girl at a conveniently located love hotel...
1. Go shopping together. Good way to bond and pass time. Buy ice cream and other sweet things. Other date trips can be to an art museum or to the movies, but shopping is a fail-safe default. They like Disney Land but that's definitely a date to do when you are running out of ideas.
2. Let her practice her English. French, Italian and other languages are also okay but English has the most broad ...
2011 ends and 2012 starts with a bang as two marital-related events came to a head.
Sweet actress Aoi Miyazaki (26) has long been the apple of many a man's eye. Her cad of a hubby, pop singer and actor Sousuke Takaoka (29), though, knows full well that he is regarded as a "ikemen" hunk. So much so that he reportedly had an affair a while back with a gravure idol called Asuka Kinbara, and they have been living separately.
Rumors of a split in the celebrity couple have floated for months and months, but finally the two confirmed their divorce just before the end of the year. The pair ...
Japanese TV “announcers” (newsreaders, anchors) are the really hot, intelligent girls
December 26, 2011
/ Tadashi Anahori
If you want a girl with looks and brains, so the thinking goes in Japan, get yourself a TV "announcer". These are the ladies who present the news or other TV shows that at least require some modicum of intelligence to understand.
The cult of the TV announcer is so strong that it is said that the main reason boys try to attend Sophie University in central Tokyo is because it is the alma mater of many presenters, and they want to bag themselves a lady before she hits the big time.
Popular with female viewers as an ideal to emulate, men enjoy imagining what it is like to have a ...
R.I.P. Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s illustrious leader
December 22, 2011
/ Tadashi Anahori
We really, really tried to resist the temptation to post something facile and silly about the recent demise of Kim Jong-il.
As you can see, after much inner wrangling... we failed spectacularly!
Having been married several times and fathered numerous kids, it's no secret that Jong-il had an eye for the ladies...
No prizes for guessing the next leader.
But did you know Kim Jong-il had a second job as a DJ?
[See more of this great series here.]
Funny how so many in his country lacked food and yet their leader always seemed so well-fed.
Who says the North ...
We had a little internal vote -- I promise you, nothing like as rigged as recent Russian elections! -- and have decided that our favorite idol for this year is Yukie Kawamura.
Not a newbie on the scene at all (hell, we even made her Idol of the Week a year ago!), but with every viewing she just gets better and better. Combining classy looks with cutesy smiles, a killer slinky body and a generous bust, Yukie gets our votes any day!
Born in 1986 and from cold northern Hokkaido originally, this year Yukie started advertising the Toyota Prius, plus a pachinko slot game ...
Digital panchira: Japanese smartphone perverts for silent upskirt photos
December 19, 2011
/ Tadashi Anahori
Any newbie visitor to Japan quickly realizes that phone cameras here must carry a rather loud "shutter" noise for the moment when you take your grainy snap. The reason? Needless to say, with mobile innovation Japanese pervs were very fast to use it as a new tool for photographing up girls' skirts.
But as the smartphone devices have been flooding the market, authorities have been unable to control the use of apps to make camera "shutters" go silent. And with silence comes plenty of opportunities to snap panties and more.
Unlike regular keitai mobiles, the smartphone shutter noises ...
The naked truth about erotic sushi: Nyotaimori, sushi vibrators
December 16, 2011
/ Megumi
Nyotaimori (女体盛り): the practice of eating sushi off a naked woman's body. Does it actually happen? Well, judging by our experiences, probably not -- but it still looks great!
The obscure and likely exaggerated "custom" looks great in porn and probably crops up more in western films set in Japan than in real Japan. Yeah, thanks Rising Sun, Map of the Sounds of Tokyo et al...
However, there have been cases of university students holding nyotaimori events but quite how tongue-in-cheek, we don't know.
This balanced 2009 article describes Nyotaimori as an underground ...
Clone onaholes for Elly Akira and Eririka Katagiri
December 14, 2011
/ Tadashi Anahori
Only the other day we were blogging about the orbital rise of amateur vlogger-turned-idol Eririka Katagiri. Now she has joined the echelons of the top JAV pornography stars like Maria Ozawa and Nao Yoshizaki.
She has her own clone masturbator onahole and love juice lube, both recreated from her real body, reverse engineered into a beautiful piece of pleasure-giving silicone. Eririka in your hand...
And then there's Elly Akira. Half Japanese, half Syrian, Elly is a porn star also known as Yuka Osawa. But this lady is a real renaissance man, if you see what I mean: photographer, ...
Judo double Olympic medalist arrested for rape of teenager
December 12, 2011
/ Tadashi Anahori
It sometimes seems that the kids who are good at sport get all the girls, right? Well, yes and no.
Masato Uchishiba (33) may have won two Olympic gold medals for Judo but it seems he is not champion of judgement when it comes to controlling primal urges.
He has been arrested for "sexual assault" of a teenaged girl at a Tokyo hotel (=love hotel?) while she was drunk (i.e. he got her drunk) in September. Apparently the girl is a fellow judo team member at the university where Uchishiba worked as coach.
Uchishiba claims the sex was by mutual consent, and we might have another case ...