AKB48, eat your heart(s) out! Marshmallow 3D are the new sexiest idol group in town. They even let you have a fondle of their breasts! While the AKB48 meet-and-greet sessions with their fans regularly descend into chaos (fans not interested in certain group members, others not wanting to let go after shaking the hand of the idol), I reckon this kind of idea could be even more disastrous. They're letting people have a good grope on television, for a price, naturally...Certainly is a little bit more 3D than the likes of Avatar managed! Amazingly this was not just gratuitous ...

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Geeky white guys can get hot Japanese girls (or at least, their panties). It's official. And adidas can help you do it! Here's the tip for all you guys out there: Get yourself some adidas running shoes and prepare to lift the skirts of hot Japanese girls just by moving past them. This is actually causing some controversy at the moment, with many viewers feeling (and commenting online) that the ad is degrading, sexist and all those things. It's notable that it is a geeky-looking white guy and a very hot Japanese idol (Yurika Kurozawa, for those interested), who then giggles and ...

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Face with a male population overworked and too stressed for sex, or so-called "herbivore" soushoku danshi (草食系男子) guys who care more about shopping than pussy -- is it any wonder that local ladies are seeking solace...in each other's arms?! That's the rumor! I just read that lesbian OLs ("office ladies", i.e. the girls who slave away in Japan's air-conditioned, anonymous offices) are on the increase, according to employees at love hotels. And of course they see ALL of society pass through their doors. Says one employee: I've been working here for 15 years and in the ...

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Man, I can't BELIEVE I missed this! To promote the global release of the Tenga 3D, the new designer masturbator, Tenga held a special exhibition -- Tenga 3D Museum of Art -- in Harajuku, central Tokyo, to celebrate the art of the world's most stylish adult toy. It included photos and exhibits from photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, film director Hiroyuki Kado, designer Keisuke Takahashi, and artist Noboru Tsubaki. The works featured suitably stylishly erotic images of dancers like Kim Ito, all holding one (or more! because you can't have too many) of the five varieties of the new Tenga ...

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Feeling in need for something a bit more exotic? I'm a great fan of fusion food and this extends to where I put my you-know-what. I love to explore the insides of a haafu (half) whenever I get the chance. Girls who are half something, half another are actually double! Double the sexiness, double the fun. Something about these Japanese international ladies seem to ignite the excitement of all local (and foreign) men. Take Maria Ozawa, Jessica Michibata, Jun Hasegawa, Erika Sawajiri... they take the best parts of both their races for a hybrid female look guaranteed to get you hard ...

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Sometimes I don't get Japan at all. And it's my own country. So-called "sexless" relationships are a big problem here. There are marriages up and down the land where no fucking is happening between man and wife. And it's not just the middle-aged. Even the youngsters aren't up to as much as they should be. This is bad news for condom makers. One contraception manufacturer has said that its sales of condoms is just 60% of what it was 30 years ago. Personally, though, knowing a lot of chums, I reckon it's the local penchant for not using a condom and ending it all with a glorious bukkake ...

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Japan has love hotels, sex shops, adult goods...It's an erotic paradise. But this is all carefully pigeonholed. Anyone who's watched mainstream TV here will immediately notice how boring it is. No sex, no nudity, no controversy. Yeah, it's pretty boring except for the occasional cute presenter. Well, one such cute lady got herself into some trouble earlier this year. A picture of Miku Natsume giggling while holding up a box of condoms (Exhibit A on the left), seemingly while lying on a futon with the photographer, led to the sweet gal being sacked from her conservative ...

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Imagine learning the date every day by having it literally drawn onto a sexy girl. Nyotai Goyomi is my new favorite toy. It sends you a photo every day to your iPhone or Android phone of a new girl! The name means "girl's body calendar" (女体暦) and the sharp-eyed among you will recognize the first part from semi-mythical nyotai-mori, where apparently people eat food off nature girls. (Spoiler alert: This probably never happens except in gaijin fantasies!) Each month has a new theme -- nurse, school girl, kimono etc -- but tattoos are always sexy, right? J-girls with ...

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Japan is the well known for its liking for panties, especially used ones, and for good reasons too. You can get them from vending machines, stores, magazines or...well, you can just steal them if you are so inclined. That's what 32-year old Satoshi Nakayama has been doing in north Tokyo. He went to a coin laundry in Ikebukuro, a rather run-down part of town, and helped himself to pairs of girls' underwear from the driers. And he didn't stop there. He also couldn't stop his wandering hands from snatching off panties from ground floor apartment balconies as they were hanging out ...

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After generating uproar and surprise when they faked a new CGI member for an ice cream commercial, AKB48 have trumped us again by introducing the "real" Aimi Eguchi. In front of 90,000 fans during a major concert, "Eguchi" joined the regular gals on stage for an encore! It later emerged that we had been fooled again by those dastardly ladies! The performer was in fact 15-year-old Yukari Sasaki, who had been the voice behind the Glico Aimi Eguchi commercial, and was wearing special make-up to make her appear like the idol. That's a tough thing to attempt since Aimi is famously formed of ...

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