Even the most well-endowed among us are constrained by the laws of nature when it comes to the essential shape of the equipment we pack. No matter how well you use it, there will surely come a time when the lady (or ladies) in your life crave a little something more than you came into this world built to supply. Fear not, friends. Those busy beavers at Kanojo Toys are one step ahead of the curve as always, ready to cater to this very need with a simple but oh-so-effective new product: the Men's Generation Neo Isochin Cap. This imposing cock-extender, from the makers of the equally ...

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Underage fans of overlarge idol groups rejoice - the long-standing ban on under-18s attending SDN48's theatre performances has been lifted at last, granting you access to the AKB girls' older, edgier counterparts in (almost) all their raunchy glory. SDN, the brainchild of AKB48 producer Yasushi Akimoto, was conceived as an "adult idol" group, differentiated from AKB through sexier attire and their focus as a "Saturday Night"-style act (hence the name) aimed at a more mature audience. Having made their major label debut on Universal Music in November of last year with the single ...

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Possibly the only thing better than the sight of a gorgeous girl, bound in submission to serve her master's every depraved whim, is the knowledge that said image is being auctioned for a good cause to boot. Three months on, the impact of the earthquake/tsunami and subsequent nuclear fears that rocked Japan is still being sorely felt by many in the country, and one big-hearted group of kinky artists based in San Francisco's Bay Area has stepped up to the plate in a big way, raising funds for the relief effort the best way they know how: through taking dirty pictures. The event, ...

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High-brow art is all well and good, but, when you get right down to it, we are all of us primarily concerned with one thing and one thing only. It should therefore come as a welcome but hardly surprising fact that the book that knocked Japanese national treasure Haruki Murakami's critically lauded 1Q84 into a not-at-all close 2nd place on Amazon.co.jp's bestseller list for last year has turned out to be a sex-tips manual - namely 'A Female Doctor Instructs in Really Enjoyable Sex'. The book, an 'advanced level' compilation of lectures and notes, has sold more than 400,000 copies ...

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Having to sort the wheat from the chaff is an occupational hazard when endeavouring to bring you guys only the finest ladies Japan has to offer, and in a saturated market it can sometimes be quite the task. There's nothing quite like that feeling though, when you've been stuck wading through garbage only to stumble upon gold. Imagine my joy, then, at having almost given up on this month's issue of GT when, lo and behold, the stunning Natsuki Ikeda plunged out of its pages into my lap. The Kanagawa-born beauty, who will turn 24 this month, has been slowly-but-surely making a name ...

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For all the lovely IRL ladies we like to feature here at Tokyo Kinky, there's no denying that their 2D counterparts have charms aplenty all of their own. Doubtful? Clearly you've never met the delicious Kagami Hiraki, as brought to you by the good people at Kanojo Toys. This gloriously detailed inflatable Dutch wife/frog pillow combo sees our anime heroine arranged in the perfect position for a variety of stimulating 1-to-1 encounters, her "receiving" facial expression leaving you in no doubt as to the effect 3D boys have on her. Whether you fancy her doggy-style, missionary, from the ...

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Porn might be illegal in mainland China, but that hasn't stopped amply-bosomed sex-kitten Sora (or Sola) Aoi attaining a level of celebrity there practically unheard of for an adult actress (let alone a Japanese one). With her Chinese name now registering more than 41 million page hits on Google (exceeding the not-inconsiderable likes of Mao Zedong, Yao Ming and Confucius) the sexy, savvy JAV idol's star is most definitely on the rise. Having made her AV debut in 2002 (aged 18, in the Alice Japan release Happy Go Lucky!), the now-27-year-old Sora quickly branched out into other ...

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AKB48's ever-lovely Atsuko Maeda is set to make a welcome return to our screens this July, playing the crossdressing lead character in a brand-new adaptation of Nakajo Hisaya's popular manga series Hanazakari no Kimitachi e. Originally adapted as a TV series back in 2007, "Hana Kimi" is the story of Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese high-schooler living in the USA, who, having fallen in love with troubled young sports' star Izumi Sano after seeing him on TV, moves to Japan and enrolls in his boys-only high school in order to get close to him. Fuji TV has announced that this will be a brand-new ...

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Japan's lingering global reputation for being the spiritual home of all things tacky, wacky and weird may be largely undeserved, but the Japanese don't exactly help themselves when they choose the most bizarre things to obsess over and popularise (Pachinko? 1950s-style greaser dance groups? Ganguro girls? Stitch?!). Mediocre 2006 Disney-Pixar effort Cars is one such curiousity (its popularity in Japan strikingly disproportionate to, well, its popularity everywhere else) and, with a sequel set for release this summer, the folks behind the movie (albeit unwittingly) have rewarded the Japanese ...

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In an age when the sheer magnitude of porn readily available to us at any given time quite literally boggles the mind to consider, one could easily go one's entire load-blowing life without having to view a particular girl's scenes more than once. You know you're onto a winner then, when going even a couple of days without revisiting an idol's material feels akin to torture. Which brings us to the divine Airi Mikami. What this Hokkaido-born 22-year-old might lack in terms of the volume of movies and photobooks she's appeared in thus far, she more than makes up for in her thrilling ...

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