We have covered several different kinds of vending machines here at Tokyo Kinky before such as the porn vending machine out in the sticks and the vending machine with chilled panties over in Akihabara. And now we present you with the prostitute vending machine. Just pop in your coin and out comes the girl... So I know a lot of you are asking yourselves, "Is this a joke?" The short answer is... yes. The long answer asks you to wait until the economy gets worse or until cyborg technology gets a little better. I know I'll be saving my ¥100 coins for the occasion either ...

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Our friends over at Japan Bondage have recently done a full overhaul of their site and I've got to say, they are doing some pretty interesting things over there. I personally like my women free to do as they please during sexy time, but when I took a look at the new site I started having second thoughts. I am a bit of a porn connoisseur with varying tastes, but whenever I heard about bondage, I had a really negative image. I had no idea that there was an entire artistic side to this type of erotica. About a year ago, Taro actually had the honor of meeting one of the headline bondage ...

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The long awaited porn producing debut of Horiemon you porn freaks (or should I say we...) have been waiting for, ...

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Ever since we blogged about the AXE promotional public bath in front of Shinjuku station last week I've only been able to think of the amazing G-cups of Anri Sugihara. The sexy, supposedly single, 28-year-old Gravure idol was also named one of the top six swimsuit models in Japan last month according to Entertainment Dash Magazine, a Japanese periodical which usually honors young ladies for their...assets. Something tells me we're going to keep seeing this lovely lady for quite some time unless she meets a guy who doesn't use protection and ends up like Yuki Yamamoto or ...

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All of us look for a little bit of extra strength in the bedroom when faced with the task of pleasing our sexy partner. The Kabuto Samurai Condoms I found over at KanojoToys can't but help give me the armor I've been looking for. True warriors need variation in their attacks, and the three types of Kabuto ("helmet") condoms that come in this set will just help bolster your sexy assault. Minty Menthol in green for a cooler feel, classic clear Stamina for longer lasting pleasure and finally Tsubu in pink which boasts 1,350 nubs for the ultimate in lady-spearing. Now all ...

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Well, a sign of a flagging career or just plain inevitability... Ayumi Hamasaki, the biggest pop star in Japan, has finally posed for some risque shots in a fashion magazine. Though she's hardly in the Yuuri Morishita league with these images, it's still satisfying to see the 31-year old star finally showing some ...

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Wondering when the sexy game ladies on our TV screens would stop being pictures and start responding to our physical advances? Thanks to Love Press++ (obviously named in parody of Love Plus) the next level in sexy gaming, is near! After being unveiled at last weekend's Tokyo Game Show, the new hands on game has many people excited about what the possibilities of this kind of game will bring. The game, which was developed at Kanagawa Technical College, comes with the motto "Massaging my True Love" and will use the Wii balance board to allow you to kneed and caress one of three models ...

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Yet another lovely model has fallen pray to the "I'll pull out I swear" vow that so many of us men have made. This time, we're talking about Maya Mori, who incidentally works for the same modeling agency as another sexy model who has recently been announced pregnant, Yuki Yamamoto. She seems to have broken the news, to her now defeated fans who wanted the child to be theirs instead, on her own blog by saying, "Right now, inside my stomach, there is a little life inside me!" If getting accidentally knocked up isn't enough, the lovely lady is planning on trying her best with her ...

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I was sitting bored on the subway the other day and wondering, how could I make this more interesting. My question was answered with a quick visit to KanojoToys.com with the Hidden Leaf Strap-on Vibe. The best thing about it is that it can be completely hidden under your clothes and has a remote control that's good up to 15 meters! So if that means that I have it in my pocket or I give it to a friend, I can have fun anywhere. It gives stimulation to both the clit and the anus, and seeing as I love my ass being played with, I don't see much reason not to wear it. Now only if ...

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What do you get when you put three sexy gravure idols in bikinis into a bath out in front of Shinjuku Station? A whole lot of guys stopping to look at their boobs. Many popular idols appeared in groups of threes at the AXE promotion event held September 10th to the 12th including big names like Sayuri Anzu, Akina Aoshima, Yuuri Morishita and (a personal favorite of mine) Maya Koizumi, according to Walker plus. During their shifts, the bouncy promoters were supposed to show the average man how much fun it can be to have a bath. Too bad a lot of guys probably didn't realize while ...

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