This week we take a gander at the charming Sayuki Matsumoto (松本さゆき). Born in 1985, Sayuki is from the countryside, Mie prefecture to be precise. Well, now she's in the big city and is using her G Cup to good purposes. She also has, in my humble opinion, one of the best asses in Japanese idol land ...

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We all like a good read, right? Forget all those naysayers who bang on about falling literacy levels and the quality of publications today. I read every day -- and almost all of it is porn or porn-related! Fortunately I am blessed enough to live in Japan, where there is a lot of porn. Gawd, we've got porn manga, porn in newspapers, magazines...and we've even got girly mags that give away used panties! One of the most famous and popular of these is called, not unsurprisingly, The Best. Every issue is filled with juicy pics of lovely ladies scantily clad in lingerie, bikinis...or ...

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The recent surprise announcement by singer Kaera Kimura and actor Eita that they are getting married has drawn the wrath of Japanese SNS mixi members. Why? Because Kaera is pregnant and the wedding seems to be an example of "dekikon" (shotgun wedding). Reading some of the posts is interesting, not least that they are more the kind of content you see on 2ch rather than mixi. It reveals just how protective Japanese fans are of their idols and also their rather strange attitudes to sex! Here's one ...

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This is an interesting topic and one that I get quite angry about. Why is the mainstream Japanese entertainment world so coy about sex scenes and nudity? TV is a joke! Not a nipple in sight. If you want titillation from a "normal" Japanese movie, good luck! And don't even get us started on the mosaic censorship that invades even simulated sex scenes. Talk about ruining the dramatic suspense... Anyway, here's a round-up of some of the Japanese actresses who are less inhibited. Rinko Kikuchi is fast-establishing herself as the only actress to strip off. She did it first in Babel ...

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We heard that Honami Suzuki (鈴木保奈美) (42) is returning to Japanese TV for the first time in ten years. Honami famously won a court battle against a tabloid magazine for publishing nude pictures of her, so we hope she doesn't sue us! There's certainly a lot of beautiful ladies from back in the early idol days. And how about Momoko Kikuchi (菊池桃子)? Ah, nostalgia's great... This bit of news got us thinking. Why this obsession with the newbies? There's a lot of talent out there from previous decades and many of these ladies, though now in their forties, are ...

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This week we look (very closely) at stupendously busted Eriko Sato (佐藤江梨子). Apparently an actress, though we haven't seen her in anything, Eriko can be tall and slinky, voluptuous and saucy...and just plain slutty. Oh, we like a girl with personality! Born in 1981, Eriko is a lovely F-Cup, which should keep us occupied... if we could ever get our hands on ...

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I love to dress up and I especially love to dress up as a sexy nurse. Administering injections and all sorts of goodies down there and up there... there's nothing like a good power trip to get me horny. Now comes a great new toy from Kanojo Toys for carrying out your medical inspection! The Medical Gel Set is an anal lubricant in the form of a large syringe that will aid you to get right inside where you want to lube up. Whether you want things placed deep inside your prostate -- or if you prefer being the one doing the insertion, be satisfied with dry holes no more with this ...

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Great news for all the (zillions of) fans of slinky, half-Argentinian, half-Japanese model Jessica Michibata (道端 ジェシカ)! The twenty-five year old sex pot has broken up with her boyfriend, F1 World Champion Jenson Button! They had been dating for 18 months but the long-distance thing was apparently just too much for mega-rich Jenson. Is he crazy? Put me on the other side of the world and there's still no way that I would ever let this hottie get ...

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It's time to go back in history and prove that the Japanese have always been an erotic lot. Do you all know the tale of Sada Abe (阿部 定)? Born in 1905, she is infamous as the prostitute/maid who asphyxiated her lover and boss, Kichiro Ishida, in an inn after days of continuous sex. Kichiro was the owner of the eel restaurant where Sada worked and he soon seduced his employee. They made love for the first time to the accompaniment of geisha singing, before eventually decamping to the 1930s equivalent of a love hotel, where they stayed for four days screwing non-stop. After ...

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Ever wanted to know what it feels like to unwrap a newly arrived love doll? Then take a look at our photo report! We were lucky enough to document the unveiling of a just-delivered Petit Jewel F Series love ...

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