Over the weekend Korean pop group KARA gave a press conference to announce their music debut here in Japan.
To the joy of their fans, the girls told us they will release their first CD for the Japanese market this August. The single will be Mister, said the group in brave, broken Japanese (this is only their second visit to these isles!).
We're big fans of K-Pop and think the groups rival the Japanese ones for cute factor. Sure, Perfume are great...but check out how young KARA are! 16 years old! Pure virgin bliss in a white dress.
KARA started way back in 2007 but, like any ...
For all those European fans of Morning Musume (モーニング娘), the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived!
The ever-changing all-girl idol pop group will be appearing at the Japan Expo 2010 in Paris, France this July.
[Image via Yeinjee.com. All right, I know it's a bit old -- there are now only eight girls, of course!]
It's never been a secret how many otaku and anime fans there are in Le Republic, so it didn't surprise us that Momusu choose it as their launch pad into Europe. The Expo is expected to attract 180,000 fans!
It's not their first foray ...
Yasumasa Yonehara: Japan’s new top erotic photographer
May 6, 2010
/ Tadashi Anahori
Today we wanted to introduce you to one of the premier image-makers of contemporary Tokyo erotica, photographer Yasumasa Yonehara.
Yonehara is very much in the Araki mold of photography -- grainy, shaky, snapped-from-the-hip kind of shots... and filled with girls, boobs, legs. He seems to recruit his ladies in the clubs, take them back to hotels for shoots -- and then who knows what else?!
If you can't make it to Tokyo for any of his gallery shows, he seems to occasionally have exhibitions in New York too. And his regular blog for Hypebeast is always guaranteed to have ...
We got our hands on a Tenga Flip-Lite from the folks at KanojoToys.
Watching their demo video wasn't enough. We had to try it out ourselves!
I'm a guy who likes my masturbators gentle and stimulating, so I went for the Melty White first. Its large central air pocket is complemented by the large bumps on the top just as you enter, stroking you on the head and sides...
The Solid Black is a bit more of a total experience -- more nubs in all shapes and sizes working their way on you from different angles.
The FlipLite is a compact little thing and you might find it a bit ...
We just spotted these great videos on YouTube. It's the Chinko Dance (ちんこダンス). "Chinko" means "penis", so you can imagine just from the name alone these are definitely going to be interesting!
Be careful you don't get the tune stuck in your head. It's not something you want to be humming to yourself in the ...
This week we are turning to Fumina Hara (原 史奈).
Born in 1981 in Tokyo, Fumina became famous at a young age for her work as a Sailor Moon in the musicals of the same name. The Tokyo-born gal stands at a just-right 166 cm (5'5") and I think she looks particularly good in black underwear...
One of the things about Fumina is how different she can look. Check out these pics to see what I mean. She can be cute and alluring, but then glamorous and celebrity. The next second she's slutty and has that I'm-in-a-love-hotel-with-you look.
What is it about these ladies, though? ...
If you love watching Japanese porn you will notice straightaway one very strange thing: pixelation. There's not a private part in sight -- they're all fuzzed and blurred out by the censors.
Why the need for mosaics? Is it some strange kinky thing that men like? Well, maybe it is NOW, since a whole generation of Japanese men have grown up obsessed with porn and sex featuring pixels rather than penises.
The real reason for it, though, is a 1907 obscenity law that remains unchanged to this day. (Taro and Tadashi, however, hate mosaic and always get under-the-counter porn that is ...
Anyway even remotely interested in Japanese geinoujin or models can't have failed to see the big news this week: Erika Sawajiri has told her much-older husband that she wants a divorce. By email.
Yes, apparently Tsuyoshi Takashiro is completely stumped as to why his beautiful wife has suddenly had a change of heart. He heard it first by email and since then has been getting updates through her website announcements and the press.
We blogged here about Erika's comeback a few weeks ago. Half-French Erika had legions of fans until her pride got the better of her, most infamously at ...
If you buy a bottle of Zima you can kiss a Japanese idol...for free!
The idol world has been rocked of late by scandals involving prostitution allegations and perhaps this is only a step away.
The campaign “KISS A-ZIMA: Zima’s taste is kissing taste” attaches silicone casts of celebrity lips with each bottle of Zima.
Stick the lips onto the neck of the bottle -- you can feel like you are smooching your favorite idol! You might look a bit foolish doing this in a bar so I recommend you get one from a store and take it home!
For the guys out there who bend both ways there are two ...
We've found the first online demo video for the new Tenga FlipLite. Those folks at KanojoToys.com were quick to get their hands on the latest masturbation masterpiece from Tenga -- and they kindly put up this detailed demo video for our enjoyment!
I love the test they made with the Princess Kaleidoscope, a "clear dildo magnifier". It lets you see right inside whatever is getting some action!
I popped over to their office and they had a batch of the FlipLites ready to be sent out. You can get yours by going to their online store and ordering one straight to your ...