Our sponsors Kanojo Toys recently sent me a great sample product to test out and I just had to share my impressions with you all. When me and my hubbies are getting down and dirty, I sometimes like to get in the mood with a blast of finger foreplay down you-know-where. Well, fingers and hands get tired, and keeping up the same speed and tenacity can be a real test on the patience of a man eager to get his own rocks off. So I was overjoyed to be sent the Vibrator Pleasure Palm, a wickedly shaped vibe that goes on your hand. Notice the ring that you put round the finger, leaving it ...

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One of our favorite idols, the young and, oh, so cute Maki Horikita, is in a new movie. It's called Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac in English but the original title is "Someone kissed me" (誰かが私にキッスした) . . . and we are very, very keen to be that "someone"! The movie also seems to have some white guy (Anton Yelchin) in it and we hope this exposure to foreign flesh makes Maki inclined to investigate international kissing! Thanks to the good folks at f.hatena.ne.jp for the ...

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The following is a translated and abridged version of a story appearing in the May edition of "Document Eye". The story of Shizue Kimura (35, housewife) "Ten years had passed since I got married and we had three lovely children. Though our bedroom activities had decreased since the early days of our marriage I was still happy. I have always liked to have a finger in my anus while a penis is inside my normal hole. My husband didn't like doing this but he still did just to keep me happy. It got to the point where I just could not enjoy it unless there was a finger up there. However, ...

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Mayumi and I rarely just play as the two of us -- we prefer to have another girl to liven things up! Why? We all know that one of the most sensual experiences is when you dip into not just one delicious piece of pie, but two. There's plenty of sweet filling, and double the cream on top too. Now our sponsors at Kanojo Toys have just released a new product that really caught my eye. The W Body-Con Gals is an onahole for the guy who likes three-way action: a delectable tube with different holes on either end, each based on a different JAV star. Are you in the mood for Seira Moroboshi? Or ...

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One of our favorite idols, Erika Sawajiri, has returned to the world of Japanese entertainment (geinokai) after a oh-too-long absence of two and a half years! Ever since she made that rather sulky press conference in 2007 for the film Closed Note (we actually thought she was rather sexy!) and earned the animosity of the nation, her career has been on a disappointingly downward trajectory. Well, now the rebellious minx is back, with a new "taido" (attitude) and keen to get into what she did so brilliantly before: cute photos, TV commercials, the occasionally melodramatic TV drama series, ...

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We don't know so much about this right now but it looks like Tenga is releasing a new product in late April. The Tenga Flip Lite will be available in two colors ("melty white" and "solid black") and, as the name suggests, should be an easy-on-the-hand mere 330g! The original Flip Hole is rather heavy, so this is definitely an added bonus. After 15 minutes (if you can wait that long) of Flip Hole play it's a pretty intense workout! This model looks even more discreet, meaning that airline security won't be embarrassing next time I travel. You can get the Flip Lite on preorder at ...

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Megumi here. You haven't heard from me in a while, I know. Well, I'm back and I'm taking over the blog. You will have surely noticed it's moved to Tokyo Kinky...this means we are going to be making some changes around here. First up, from now on there's going to be a lot more deep reportage on the Tokyo underbelly. You know the score: hostesses, prostitutes, love hotels...Expect sordid tales of Kabukicho, sleazy yarns in Shibuya, and soiled epics from Ikebukuro. [Photo by Yabuta Osami, via Openers.] We'll also be looking at news on our favorite idols and JAV stars, giving you the ...

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We've all seen them: cute, aimless-looking young girls hanging around Shinjuku, Shibuya, or other big city areas. They often have lots of bags. They don't really look homeless but they certainly look a bit vulnerable. They're known as "kamimachi girls" (神待ちガール), which literally translates as "god-waiting girls." Wow, that sounds religious! No fear, the truth is much more interesting. After leaving home in a hurry these lasses find their ways to the big cities with no job, no home and no cash. What are they gonna do? Well, a lot of them sleep in internet cafes and surf internet ...

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We all had a bad time at school. There were classroom bullies, strict teachers, skin issues...but there was always one saving grace -- cute, nubile schoolgirls to gaze at all day long! Well, those folks at Kanojo Toys know all about those nostalgic lustings and had found the perfect solution. The keen adult goods fans among you will no doubt already be aware of the excellent Manzoku series. Manzoku means "total satisfaction", and that's what you feel after you've finished a session with a Manzoku toy. Now those clever Japanese creators have made a range of air dolls that will get ...

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We have previously reported on this blog of erotic wonders about the Lux Heart Paddle, a stylish way to spank your partner! Well, now those good folks at the Kanojo Toys Shop have just added a full range of devilish goods from the same series, the World of L. The brand is for those who like their bondage the chic way -- look fashionable whilst strapped down! There are neck collars, eye masks, mouth gags, ankle and hand cuffs...you name it, they've got it! I don't know what you are into but I like a good collar around my cock. Kanojo Toys also has another superb range of ...

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