Ever noticed something a little...different about the mouths of Japanese models, celebrities, and cute girls on the street? It may not be apparent right away, but once you notice, it's hard to miss -- a good number of them have snaggleteeth (yaeba)! A pair of yaeba are considered very cute to many Japanese. From convention booth babes to actresses to Japan's Princess Masako, yaeba are a common sight in Japanese media. Unlike America, where teeth are straightened in childhood and crooked teeth often signify poverty or a lack of care, orthodontics never really caught on in Japan, and there's ...

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Ever heard of Steve Osada? If you're not a regular on the traditional Japanese bondage scene, you may not have, but within the shibari houses of Tokyo's seedy Kabukicho district, he's The Man. Shibari, also known as kinbaku, is the Japanese art of erotic bondage, differentiated from Western bondage by its focus on ties that actively pleasure the bottom, as well as its minimalist, often asymmetric, aesthetic. While not the only culture to enjoy tying their lovers up, the Japanese may be more open about it than most. Image by Max Hodges Osada Steve is one of the few living ...

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Resting your head on a gentle, yielding, giant bosom is a pleasure no one should be without. This Oppai Pillow is made of soft memory foam, for the perfect combination of supple and supportive. Not only is it the only pillow you'll ever need, but you can also use it as a cushion! Get the rest you need with the breasts you knead (lol). Get your Oppai Pillow from ...

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It took a while, but the famous Honey Bath Gel is back on the market and better than ever! if you don't know already, Honey instantly creates a sensual and slippery bath after being added to a full tub of warm water. Put it in, stir it up, and in just a few moments you'll have a tub filled with thick, sexy, collagen lotion! Honey is good for creating soft skin, but it's even better for a sexy bath on your own or with a partner. The lotion glides all over the skin and makes contact with your partner a new experience all over again. Honey Bath Gel is non-toxic, safe for your ...

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Ever dreamed of a 3-way with two sexy sisters who want nothing more than to give you pleasure? I almost had it once, but that was years ago and I blew it by getting too excited too quickly (true story). So, when we spotted these new onaholes from Toy's Heart I couldn't help but think back and smack myself on the forehead. The Sexy Sister Series has both the older and younger sisters in versions that aim to recreate the real thing. The Innocent Younger Sister (right side) is tight and full of nubs to grab you in all new ways, but the Sexy Older Sister is more bent on experience. ...

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Mieki no Hinkaku is one of our best sellers, particularly because it's the most realistic onahole we carry in the shop. The brand is now expanding to include perfectly molded versions of our favorite JAV porn stars, beginning with the lovely Maria Ozawa! The Meiki no Hinkaku: Maria Ozawa is a perfectly molded version of our favorite half-Japanese star. It's a handful to be sure, but its large size makes it all the more realistic. You can get a taste of Maria all over the web to be sure, but now you can have a little private time with her to yourself. ...

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Tokyo's red light district of Kabukicho is renowned as being the hub of sin and vice in heart of Shinjuku. It's not the only area of course, but it does have a very large concentration of host and hostess clubs, bars, restaurants, soaplands (brothels), and lots of fun-loving crowds of men and women out for a good time. Setting foot in this area can be intimidating for foreign visitors. Aside from the fact that foreigners are subtly prohibited from entering the more fun places, the types of folks in Kabukicho are very different from what you'll find in Ginza, Shibuya, and other ...

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Don't get too excited, but this thing does get VERY warm. Get the Hole Warmer yourself online from ...

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We all know about the myths and magic behind Japanese vending machines... It's not like they haven't been covered in the media, but what about the sex toys vending machines? Aside from kid-oriented machines that sell poop toys, actual sex toys vending machines aren't exactly front and center in Japan. In fact, the majority of sex-related vending machines are not in the red light districts of cities, but in the mountains. After all, cities have plenty of sex shops already, but what does the average mountain-dweller do when he needs a dildo, porno, or pair of panties? Your answer is ...

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This has got to be the most style-conscious masturbator we've ever seen. You know how girls often have these mini-mannequins in their rooms that hold their jewelry and can also be dressed up? Yes, I HAVE been in a female's room before, despite having a significant stock of Flip Holes. This doesn't hold your jewelry, but it's a clever way to hide your onahole by disguising it as an only mildly perverted erotic toy. The Lay-D (product page) comes in three versions, each with a different skin tone and internal hole style, and when she isn't giving you virtual love she's sitting on her ...

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