In need of some summer lovin'? Our friends at Kanojo Toys, the internet's largest source of Japanese adult toys, are having a big summer sale through July 20. You can get 20% off any order. Just use the promo code KANOJO at checkout to claim your discount. The sale applies to all items in store, from onaholes and male masturbation aids to vibrators, lubes, dolls, toys for girls, toys for couples, and more. One of the strengths of Kanojo Toys is the sheer breadth of choice it offers in its catalog, stocking the latest strokers from the major brands but also a wealth of other items you ...

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Twitter. YouTube. TikTok. Instagram. And now Threads. It's a crowded social media landscape and people want to stand out. It has become one of the aphorisms of our times that people will do almost anything for clout. And that includes crazy antics in Japan. Known as p8stie or Mariè online, and claiming to be an independent journalist and dentist, a French woman has claimed she was attacked in the Tobita Shinchi red-light district of Osaka. In Tobita, you get a sense of the bygone Japanese pleasure quarters, with its street full of old establishments with entranceways, in which sit sex ...

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It's no secret that the Tokyo Kinky team has a thing for Mariya Nagao. The former AKB48 hottie now works as a model, actress, and general TV celebrity. And though it's hardly a surprise that a woman of her age, beauty, and social opportunities would not have lovers, we can't help but feel a bit peeved and sad at the news that broke recently about her new boyfriend. Apparently, Mariyagi is in a relationship with a former Kabukicho host, having met through a mutual friend. Fresh off releasing a ravishing photo book earlier this year, she's been spotted by weekly tabloid Shukan Bunshun in ...

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Former pop singer, Haruka Kudo these days focuses on her acting after leaving Morning Musume in 2017. She joined the long-running idol group as a preteen. The 23-year-old is currently starring in the drama series around 1/4 on TV Asahi and ABC TV. It features a sex scene that has got fans and netizens excited. This being a mainstream Japanese TV show, there's no actual nudity (we have to go to the streamers for that in Japan). But we do get to see Haruka Kudo in her underwear and touching her breasts as she talks to a man online. She shows off some bust, which appears larger than you ...

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Takako Uehara is back in the news again over another alleged adultery scandal. The beautiful former member of pop group SPEED has experienced some real highs and lows since the group disbanded in 2000. Uehara published a successful semi-nude photo book, Vingt Takako, in 2003, but this divided fans, some of who saw it as a betrayal of her image. We are eternally grateful, though, for the fapping material she provided during this period. She worked as an actor and model, fronting advertising campaigns for the likes of Shiseido. But the Okinawan's complicated love life has proved a thorn ...

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The Japanese summer is long and brutal: once the cooler, somewhat sticky rainy season ends in July, the weather is scorching through September, coupled with intense humidity. The temperatures mean that people dress lightly, which means more young female flesh on display if you are wandering the streets of a big city. If you're anything like us, this gets you horny. (All the amazing photo books with full-frontal nudity coming out don't help either.) But squeezing one out -- let alone full sex -- in such conditions is not always a pleasant experience, even with the air conditioning on full ...

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The photo book market in Japan can sometimes seem like a tame one. Sure, we harp on about the latest semi-nude shoots featuring various music idols, actresses, models, and so on, but, as lovely those are, we are ultimately making hay out of thin material. Gone are the glory days of the photo book when we could be really surprised by a provocative new release. We are talking about, of course, the "hair nude" full-frontal shoot. Back in the 1990s, when the hair nude was at its peak, it was popular for established stars or even up-and-coming models. Far from a last resort for a faded star or ...

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There are blasts from the past, and then there are blasts from the past. If you are long-term fan of gravure, then you will know of Yinling (Yan Yinling), a major force in the industry in the late 1990s and 2000s. She moved to Japan at the age of 10 and enjoyed a successful career as a female wrester, race queen, singer, and gravure model, but got married in 2008 to a Japanese man and effectively retired from the industry, moving back to Taiwan in 2011. Now aged 47 and the mother of three children, the Taiwanese-born model also known as Yinling of Joy is making a comeback with her first ...

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We recently wrote about ex-AKB48 idol Satomi Kaneko's retirement, noting how she had carved out quite a striking career as a sexploitation actress and nude model after her brief stint with the group. In general, after leaving one of the AKB or Sakamichi groups, or any idol group for that matter, the surest way to cement your status is to do more provocative shoots in gravure magazines, release photo books, and branch out into fashion modeling and TV gigs, either acting or presenting. Only a lucky few land "serious" acting roles (perhaps only Atsuko Maeda and Yuko Oshima spring to mind), but ...

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Last month, we reported on the controversy over a new gravure idol who was supposedly AI-generated but seemed to be just a slightly different version of a flesh-and-blood gradol. The publisher eventually withdrew its much-hyped photo book featuring Ai Satsuki. As we noted in a follow-up post, artificial intelligence has major implications for gravure, making it possible to churn out cheap photo books with almost now overheads (no expensive photo shoots, no model fees, etc.). It has meant the market is currently flooded with cheap or even free photo books. The issue of AI and gravure has ...

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