Sometimes we see something that makes us feel a bit nostalgic -- and a bit old! Rika Adachi (足立梨花) was one of our favorite gravure idols about a decade ago, mainly for her nice butt. She made it onto our now-legendary list of "Japanese babes with great asses." To be honest, we haven't followed all the ins and outs of her modeling and acting career in the years since, though we remember when she was forced to deny having had plastic surgery (which is secretly quite common in Japan). Well, now Rika Adachi has released a new photo book to mark her thirtieth birthday (what? When did ...

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At professional baseball games in Japan, like in the United States, it is common to invite a celebrity to make a ceremonial first pitch. We remember some minor controversy a few years ago when a very scantily clad Mitsu Dan was asked to do this duty. In Taiwan, though, they do things differently. At the stadium for local baseball team Rakuten Monkeys, sponsored by the Japanese e-commerce giant, in Taoyuan City, a squadron of sexy office ladies entertain visitors with their thighs and curvy butts. Wearing face masks (which are still ingrained over here in East Asia), the five slinky ladies ...

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OK, our headline is a bit deceptive, but the gist is essentially true. It's been years in the offing and it might finally be happening: the law forbidding women from remarrying after a divorce is going to change. Currently, a woman in Japan is legally unable to remarry straight after a divorce. She has to wait 100 days. Her ex-husband, though, is free to marry someone new without waiting. The law was ostensibly introduced in the 19th century to the civil code to avoid disputes over a child's father. The "cooling-off" period, which was six months until 2016, was put in place in case the ...

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What feels better than having a pair of amazing breasts wrapped around your penis, rubbing back and forth? Vibrating breasts! The Shaking Breasts Powered Paizuri Titjob Toy is a new effort by the ever-reliable adult boffins at Japanese sex toy brand PPP. We all love paizuri (titfuck), in real life, in porn, and with our toys, but there's one thing that can enhance the experience in addition to the size and quality of the breasts themselves. Lubricant, we hear you say, and we agree. But one other thing is power. And the Shaking Breasts Powered Paizuri Titjob Toy are very aptly ...

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There is something of a minor trend among gravure idols to emphasize their academic background. If they come from a prestigious or famous college, this is often made a significant part of their appeal. And so it was when Serina Fukui first burst onto the gravure scene a few years ago. The pharmacy student at Keio University -- one of the most prestigious private colleges in Japan -- was praised for her curvy charms and her brains. And it was the latter that made the former even better. Having graduated from Keio, Fukui now works as a regular pharmacist in Tokyo but has continued her ...

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Piracy is the bane of porn producers, who wring their hands over their lost profit margins whenever their efforts are illegally uploaded to video sharing sites. This all makes it harder to generate decent money from porn, though the adult video industry in Japan is still reasonably healthy due to DVD and streaming sales. What about elsewhere? It seems that people are looking for new ways to monetize porn. Perhaps it is for that reason that the performers in this Chinese porn have opted to wear, literally, ads on their skin, even when they are going all out doing the sex that the script ...

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As frequently reported on this blog, the new porn law in Japan has proven very controversial. Though touted as a way of protecting performers, especially younger and debuting performers, by giving them far greater freedom to get out of contracts and by making production and distribution companies delay release, the legislation introduced in June was opposed by many in the industry. While many major production companies have maintained a careful silence, perhaps concerned about stoking calls for a total ban on unsimulated sex in porn and encouraging further regulations to target the coercion ...

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Splatoon streaming and virtual YouTubers are both big in Japan. What happens when they get together? A whole lot of craziness, it seems. Some streamers are facing a backlash from players worried that Nintendo might ban all Splatoon livestreams after VTuber Kikaze Kimiko and others modded their games to show an adult video while they played. They chroma keyed the enemy ink to make it transparent and play over it a live-action cosplay porn featuring DeepWebUnderground, a popular virtual YouTuber who has already inspired her own adult toys. The results looked like Splatoon 3 with porn playing ...

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A few weeks ago, we posted a preview about the gravure idol Sayaka Nitori's highly anticipated debut photo book. The semi-nude photo book shows off the model's nipples for the first time, though nominally covered by wet clothing. We also noted the meteoric rise of the idol and how she has done it as a freelancer unattached to the usual talent agencies (which control a celebrity or model's career and take most of the money). We are delighted now to share some more highlights from the photo book, Ribbon, proving that's really stretching the "semi" part of "semi-nude." Nitori's G-cup ...

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Sometimes, like a knight errant, you come across strange and exciting things in the wild. Like a Tenga masturbation toy washed up on a beach. Like porn magazines piled up with household newspapers on garbage collection day -- or even dumped in a public park. Or panties that have blown away in a typhoon. But what about if you found a silver attaché case by the roadside? Would you ignore it? Open it? Or would you assume the worst and call in the police? Because that's what happened on the morning of October 5 in the city of Kakegawa, Shizuoka Prefecture. A well-meaning citizen found the ...

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