People have arrested the CEO of famous Japanese secondhand book store chain Mandarake as well as four employees in connection with the sale of obscene material. Best known for manga but also offering collectibles, doujinshi, and anime toys, Mandarake was selling so-called "vinyl books," a term referring to pornographic photo books from the 1970s and 1980s that showed genitalia. (The "vinyl" part means the plastic that was used to cover the books.) As regular readers will know, Japan's strange obscenity laws mean it is nominally illegal to show actual genitalia, hence adult video is ...

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Despite her now-established mainstream popularity, the Japanese actress Fumi Nikaido has shown herself gamely willing to strip off for the right role. After some previous nudity in the film River's Edge, for example, she did sex scenes in My Man, No Longer Human, and Tezuka's Barbara. And she does all this while fronting major advertising campaigns for brands. All too frequently, a willingness to remove your wardrobe consigns you to pink movie and B-movie role, so Nikaido is something of an outlier. In River's Edge, her nude scenes were actually pretty tame, especially compared to far more ...

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There's a reason that a lot of love hotel rooms have mirrors installed. Who doesn't want to watch themselves having sex? Following on from our popular post last year about leaked sex selfies by amateur couples at Japanese love hotels, we present another roundup of nude sex selfies by couples taken in front of a mirror. From man on woman to two men on one women, from bedrooms to hotel rooms, bathrooms, and more, from young lovers to older couples, from pre- to mid-coitus, the scenarios vary a bit, as does the quality (pictorial and physical). Sometimes the flash glare serves as an effective ...

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The graduation of various leading members and the restrictions placed on live, in-person events by the pandemic have greatly reduced the presence of AKB48 and its sister groups in popular culture. The groups retain strong followings, of course, but the days when AKB dominated advertising and TV shows seem over. As such, even the little scandals seem to pass us by. We missed that Yuka Suzuki (鈴木優香) was forced to graduate AKB48 last September due to an alleged romance (oh, the horror!) that first emerged in spring 2021. Following her ignominious departure from AKB48, Yuka Suzuki ...

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Here's a selection of seven of the best newly released Japanese masturbators and adult toys available internationally from our friends at Kanojo Toys. Let's start off with a biggie. The always-reliable A-One has produced the Gyaru Balls Licker, a very realistically designed blowjob mouth toy that offers the delight of a slutty Tokyo gyaru swallowing your cock and balls, and taking them down into her stimulating throat. If blowjobs are what you fancy, get one from an expert with the Mio Kimijima Blowjob by a Goddess Mouth Masturbator, a vibrating blowjob mouth toy. Of course, this is based ...

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As widely covered on this blog, the lowering of the age of adulthood in Japan from 20 to 18 has sparked a scramble to create a new exemption for 18- and 19-year-olds in regard to contracts for adult video. As was belatedly discovered, the new age of adulthood would make legal contracts fully binding, removing the previous safeguard that allowed teenagers to back out of contracts. After initially hoping to introduce a simple exemption mechanism, politicians have eventually moved forward with an entirely new, more ambitious new law aimed at adult video performers that enables all performers to ...

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A few years ago, various shops began to appear in places like Akihabara offering services like hugs, ear-cleaning, "snuggling," massages, and "reflexology." However, like how massage parlors may provide more than just a massage, some of the "cuddle cafe" (soine-ten) establishments merely used these services as fronts for forms of prostitution. A police crackdown ensued and we actually thought there were very few, if any, left. It seems that such places are still around and up to their old tricks, operating under the guise of rifure-ten (reflexology shops). A rifure-ten chain, Rapunzel ...

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Given the wide-ranging discussions now taking place about introducing a new law with major implications for the porn industry in Japan, we wanted to share a related reform proposal from a few years ago. Given that the potential new law is intended to protect young and vulnerable performers from coercion, increase performer rights, and give them more control over how their bodies are used, we wonder if anyone is taking note of what a former adult video actress suggested back in late 2018, when the initial coercion issue was in the spotlight. Aged 43 at the time, the retired porn star Yuri ...

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Rikako Inoue (井上理香子), a former member of the now-defunct idol group Fairies, is to make her porn debut as Yotsuha Kominato (小湊よつ葉). Fairies disbanded in 2020, after which Inoue (who was a member of the group throughout its roughly nine-year run) nominally retired from the entertainment industry and became a company employee for two years. However, the 25-year-old officially adopted the name Yotsuha Kominato in March this year and returned to gravure with a shoot for Weekly Playboy and tie-in 57-page photo book. This month, she released the music video for a solo song, ...

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Japanese adult video often pushes the envelope, gamely taking on themes and subject matters ordinarily considered unsuitable or out of bounds for porn. It's one of the reasons the industry is so creative and broad in Japan. Some people, though, are speculating if this example is not going too far -- or simply too eager to test the limits of taste and fetish as to render it unappealing to most audiences. Plus ça change! A new porn release directed by Migiwa Ota and staring Mai Kagari seems, some are saying, more like a kind of horror movie. The behind-the-scenes pictures, at any ...

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