Pakistani arrested for assaulting schoolgirl on train, raping her in woods

A 31-year-old Pakistani man has been arrested for sexual assault on a female high school student on a train near Takao, West Tokyo.

Muhammad Afzal is accused of sexually assaulting a schoolgirl as the second grader slept on a train on the JR Chuo Line in August, and then of taking her to a nearby copse and raping her.

According to a police statement reported in the media on Wednesday and Thursday, Muhammad Afzal groped the girl’s chest and took her underwear off.

pakistani arrested japan sexual assault rape schoolgirl

When the train reached Takao, where it terminated, Afzal allegedly took the girl’s bag and then forcibly carried her to a deserted grove some 500 or 600 meters away from the station.

The girl managed to escape back into a train and seek help from station staff. The suspect was then identified by security camera footage.

Afzal, who is a student and lives in Akishima, Tokyo, has claimed that the girl consented.

The incident took place in the early afternoon of August 22 but has only now come to light, presumably because it took some time to find the suspect.

We were hesitant to publish this story because we don’t want to stoke any racist flames at a time of increasing migration and tourism in Japan and when a lot of nasty rhetoric is floating around the interwebs and mainstream media. Before people start to engage in baseless speculation about Asian migrants coming to Japan and committing lots of crime, let’s remember that the vast majority of sexual assault is done by Japanese citizens.

Just to give one recent example, the politician Tamotsu Shiiki was arrested a few days ago for sexually assaulting a junior high school student in a karaoke establishment in Kabukicho, Shinjuku.

The 58-year-old had served two terms in the House of Representatives, Japan’s lower house, in the 2010s, though his attempts to seek public office since 2017 have all failed. We doubt he will be trying again.

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  • TheDude September 13, 2024

    Not goung to gaijin shame but
    I would approve of chemical castration for scum like this

  • WTF September 13, 2024

    A second grader is 7-8 years old…

  • 新人 September 13, 2024

    F*ckin animal. Actually I take that back, because even animals don’t act like this. Sub-human piece of sh*t is a better term.

  • Tadashi Anahori (Post author) September 13, 2024


    Second grade of high school.

  • Mr. Gutierrez September 14, 2024

    Japan has to castrate rapists and put them in jail regardless of their nationality (When the evidence is real).

  • Hikiko Mori September 14, 2024

    “31-year-old…..who is a student and lives in Akishima, Tokyo.”

    Isn’t he a little too old even for a college student? By the time he earn his degree and enters the workforce he would be in his mid 30s, and most people at that age are already at junior or mid-managerial level. No wonder he did such a hideous act, he knows that it is already too late to establish a career and has no future awaits him lol.

  • keroppi September 14, 2024

    @hikiko most of these ppl come to some country using student visa and pretend to be student , but in reality they are mostly involved in crime such as drugs. scam.. its a well known things in some countries .

  • Ian September 15, 2024


    Oh yeah, people from South Asia are well known to abuse the student visa & work visa systems for both illegal work and potential long-term residence/overstay, and much of their eligibility records (e.g. academic transcripts, employment history) are fake, plus they often cheat in exams. I’m not saying that others don’t abuse it as well, but people from the subcontinent have turned this into a popular sport.

    For example, cheating in online exams amongst certain students during COVID was so rampant at a certain UK university I went to, that when the pandemic situation got a bit better they immediately forced all international students from the subcontinent to do their exams in person at a British Council-run exam venue in their country. (The UK campus wasn’t open then) It was clear that the university saw significant exam plagiarism against students based in South Asia, as many nations’ borders were still closed then.

    Another example is fake documents – There was news back in 2020 where it was discovered, after the crash of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight 8303, that 30-40% of all commercial pilots in Pakistan held fake licenses, with people cheating in flying exams by getting someone else to do it for them. One third of PIA’s pilots were grounded because of those fake licenses. This case illustrates just how systemic official corruption, cheating and forgery of documents are commonplace, including by people in government.

    Other immigrants create businesses specifically for importing workers from their own country (many who paid substantial sums to agents in order to get a job in the West) under the work visa schemes for foreign workers, and they then abuse them in slave-like conditions. This happens with many immigrant communities, but it’s so much more organised and rampant amongst the South Asian communities, and they keep it a secret because it’s them abusing their own kin.

    @Hikiko Mori

    31 isn’t old for a college student. Many professionals go back to university either for professional degrees like MBAs, or want a change of career (e.g. in many nations practicing law requires a law degree, a chartered accountant needs an accounting degree etc.). During economic recessions those who are laid off or without enough work will often leave the workforce and go back to school, either with their own savings or (more likely) use the government-run student loan system.

    In fact most executive MBA programs do not allow you to join without years of prior work experience, and many are in their 40s. They (or their employer) also pay full price, and so they get the gold-plated, white-glove treatment.

  • Jason September 16, 2024

    You will see more foreigners in crimes due to the increasing immigration policies. It’s just a fact of life.

  • Jason September 16, 2024

    31 yrs old , but he could be there as a language student. Many foreigners are there to learn Japanese to eventually get a job. My friend is a software engineer interested in living in Japan. He doesn’t need to go to college, he only needs to learn the language and applying to a language school to learn Japanese gives him this chance after he graduates.

  • Blahblahblah September 16, 2024

    “we don’t want to stoke any racist flames at a time of increasing migration and tourism in Japan and when a lot of nasty rhetoric is floating around the interwebs and mainstream media”

    Cowardice. Keep it up and you’ll have the child grooming gangs in a couple of decades just like we do now.
    You people have the incredible benefit of seeing direct real world examples across Europe of where these policies of racial tolerance lead you, but still you surge down the same moronic path.

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