Sayaka Nitori goes nude for second photo book, shows off breasts

The impossibly slinky and sexy Japanese gravure idol Sayaka Nitori has just released her second photo book.

Shot in Guam and released on July 30 from major publisher Kadokawa, Colon follows the highly successful Ribbon, which came out in 2022 (also from Kadokawa), and we are pleased to report that it’s properly nude this time.

After teasing us for too long with semi-nude shoots that showed off her naked butt or her body but only under sheer or wet clothing, Colon drops the pretense and lets us see Sayaka’s breasts in all their G-cup glory.

Here are some highlights that display her beautiful breasts.

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The photo book is already hard to find in some bookstores and from online retailers, with the publisher apparently rushing out a new printing.

Now aged 30 (and turning 31 next month), where else does Sayaka Nitori have to go? A full-frontal hair nude?!

The Fukuoka native has built up her fandom mostly on her own, self-producing much of her content and releases until recently with these two print photo books, so she seems happy to do things differently to the gravure industry’s usual standards. We’re excited to see what she does next?

For more pictures of Sayaka Nitori, see our tumblr page.

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  • TheDude August 20, 2024

    Very very impressive. Words fail me

  • topanasu August 21, 2024

    Just go becoming jav whore following satomi kaneko and the others

  • Charlie August 21, 2024


    pathetic incel jealous of gradol beauty

  • axe August 21, 2024

    the nipples look AI,

  • Tadashi Anahori (Post author) August 21, 2024


    To be honest, that was our first response too! We also wondered if the pics were fakes. Perhaps it’s a sad sign of the times that we are no longer able to just enjoy breasts.

  • Jason August 21, 2024

    Nice bod. Buy not my type of face. No bush?

  • Jason August 21, 2024

    Flawless skin

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