Summer sale: 20% off all Japanese adult toys

You can currently get 20% off all Japanese adult toys over at our partner site, Kanojo Toys.

The discount applies to all toys, from male masturbators to costumes, dolls, personal lubes, dildos, vibes, and more.

japan adult sex toys sale campaign kanojo toys

To claim your summer discount, use the promo code KANOJO.

The campaign is running through July 19.

Kanojo Toys adds new products daily and something like 30 a week in total. It’s difficult where to know which to recommend, because there are just so many, but recent biggies and favorites include the Powered Suction Gyaru Sex, a sucking and vibrating buttocks masturbator toy, and the Super Super Gyaru in Her Prime Addictive Full Body, which features breasts and a sexy torso.

Powered Suction Gyaru Sex a sucking and vibrating buttocks masturbator toy

Super Super Gyaru in Her Prime Addictive Full Body

If you prefer to satisfy your Japanese schoolgirl fetish, the Mitsu-Ana Schoolgirl Mouth, Pussy and Butthole offers you the triple orifices of a JK character in one compact toy!

Mitsu-Ana Schoolgirl Mouth, Pussy and Butthole

Mitsu-Ana Schoolgirl Mouth, Pussy and Butthole

kanojo toys adult sex japanese buy

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