Sex survey finds that 15.2% of women in Japan cheating on partners

Sagami doesn’t just make incredibly thin and accomplished condoms, it also conducts research on adult tastes and sexual customs in Japan. In fact, along with Tenga, Japan’s contraception manufacturers are the most reliable sources for information and data.

And these can sometimes turn up surprising, even shocking, results.

One recent survey conducted with 14,100 people in October and November last year across Japan’s 47 prefectures nationwide found that 15.2% of women were cheating on their partner or sleeping with at least one more person.

Needless to say, the result for men was higher — with one in four (26.4%) admitting to sleeping with another person other than their partner — though this is not a shock per se, given the traditionally lower moral qualms men have about such matters and, sans kids and off “at the office” for long hours, the comparative freedom they might have in their schedules.

Where is all this adultery and cheating going on? Not in the heart of the city, it seems, but in the suburbs. The highest result among both male and female respondents came from people residing in Saitama, at 31.03%, which is a prefecture neighboring Tokyo to the north (and where women’s breasts are apparently getting much bigger). At second came Kyoto, the old capital and famed for classical culture, with 25.63%.

You have to go all the way down the list to 12th to find Tokyo, with a modest 22.69%.

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Incidentally, the survey also found that Saitama had the highest rate of condom usage, with 50.67%, which compared with the lowest rate, among respondents in Kochi, where just 36.67% said they used condoms.

In terms of ages, men and women in their thirties are the least faithful to their partners, with 30.9% and 17.9%, respectively, admitting to cheating. The most loyal to their partners were, as you might expect, men and women in their sixties.

The survey also found the men and women with spouses or sexual partners had sex just 2.1 times a month, though this was much higher for men in their twenties (4.9 times).

Do these results match with your experiences?

Respondents were surveyed about other aspects of their sex lives beyond infidelity. Other results found that the average age for having sex for the first time was 20.3 years old, and that social media was the third most common way for people in their twenties to meet their partners. 34.1% of men in their twenties are virgins, a slight decline from the previous survey, compared to 20.9% of women. And the average number of sexual partners people have had is 9.1; men in their fifties had the highest result here, with an average 16.1 partners (for women, the highest number was for females in their forties, with 7.5 partners).

The people most satisfied with their sex lives are in Miyazaki Prefecture in the south, where 57.36% said they were happy. The lowest result came from people in chilly Niigata, where just 43.38% said they were satisfied.

The highest masturbation rate is in Akita Prefecture, with 4.97 times a month.

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