Japanese female police officers will no longer wear a skirt as part of their uniform. The National Police Agency said last week that skirts will not be offered for female officers after March, making their official uniform trousers the same as it is for men. In practice, many Japanese female police officers were already wearing pants for frontline duties, but skirts had remained an option and certainly part of the image of female police in the eyes of many. Skirted police officers were part of the traditional image of the NPA in Japan, especially in parades and so on. The skirt had been ...

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Our good friends at Kanojo Toys, who have the largest and widest selection of Japanese adult toys shipping internationally, are now running a Halloween sale. Through October 31, you can get 20% off any order (including multiple orders). Just use the promo code Trick to claim your discount. Of course, this being Halloween, you could get yourself a great costume and indulge your kinks and fetishes in the bedroom (or at a party, if you have adventurous friends). Catgirls, schoolgirls, waitresses, maids, and much, much more. No surprises there, considering Japan is the country that invented ...

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Has the woke brigade, as some disparagingly call it, finally caught up with Japan? The gentrification of Kabukicho is still ongoing and a new commercial complex, imaginatively called Kabukicho Tower, recently opened in the Shinjuku nightlight and red-light district. Many noted that though it has conventionally gendered toilets on the upper floors, its second-floor restrooms are designated "all genders." The only segregation, according to the pictographs, is by whether you want to stand or sit down in the unisex stalls. The restroom has a shared washing station. Some have hailed this as a ...

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Paparazzi snaps of an idol with her boyfriend? No big deal, this is the usual kind of fodder that always fills the pages of the weeklies, right? But this time, there's an amusing, possibly kinky, catch. Reporters snapped AKB48 member Yuiri Murayama entering the condo of fellow AKB idol Nana Okada for the latter's birthday party late at night on November 6. The 25-year-old was with a man who many assume is her boyfriend. Netizens peered hard -- very hard -- at the box in the bag that Murayama's putative partner is carrying. And they think they've identified it. It just might well be ...

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Halloween is well and truly back. And that means plenty of flesh on display in Shibuya. Since Friday, the Tokyo district has been packed each night with cosplayers massing for the impromptu cosplay street party that has defined Tokyo Halloween for several years. In an effort to control the phenomenon, which has resurged this year almost for the first, full time since the Covid pandemic, Shibuya has temporarily banned drinking on the street. The police presence is significant, of course, after the minor unrest in 2018 that led to a truck being overturned in Center Gai. This means hundreds of ...

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Gotta catch them all! Well, there are so many Pokémon that that aspiration is surely impossible. But it seems you can catch the important ones. Satoshi not only caught Pikachu, but was spotted giving Pikachu a good kiss. Namely, a guy dressed as Satoshi (Ash Ketchum in the West) was recently seen kissing a lady friend dressed as Pikachu in a backstreet of Shibuya. The young couple, presumably at the end of a successful date, were surreptitiously filmed in an alleyway exploring each other's faces. The four-second video subsequently uploaded to Twitter on October 24 has gone viral. The ...

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Managers at Universal Studios Japan are clutching their pearls at the risqué costumes that some patrons are wearing. The coronavirus pandemic was almost the nail in Japan's Halloween street cosplay coffin: the pandemic years saw the numbers of people gathering for street parties in crazy costumes (often bearing no relation to Halloween) drop dramatically. Now the custom is returning and theme parks are also always popular places to visit in costumes, regardless of the season. But it seems that patrons at USJ in Osaka are taking things too far, emphasizing the sexy side of the Japanese ...

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One of the unexpected (but very welcome) aspects of the coronavirus pandemic was the response of adult brands in Japan, which began offering fetish face masks. As such, perhaps this update was inevitable. Costume brand Erox has taken the now-ubiquitous face mask and transformed it into sexy underwear. What, like that idol already did with the free government-supplied masks back in 2020? And like that political candidate did on her election campaign posters? Yes, but this time the results are a little less homemade! The Face Mask Underwear is a set of four masks that you wear like a bra or ...

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To be honest, writing this makes us feel old but Tama Toys has now been around for 10 years. Known for its awesome box art, the brand by TMA has built up an incredible lineup of onaholes, otoko no ko crossdresser costumes, smell sprays, dakimakura hug pillow covers, and other toys for a whole decade. To celebrate, it has released a series of anniversary box sets with random selections of its wares. All the value packs have limited availability, so you'll have to hurry if you want to get your hands on them. The most generous and exciting pack is the Tama Toys 10th Anniversary Happy Box ...

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In 2017, the so-called Virgin Killer Sweater clothing item -- a curious combo of cuddly knitwear and a backless design -- exploded on the internet in Japan. Its viral success was thanks in no small part to gravure idol Jun Amaki, who modeled the outfit with amazing results. The item became available in various versions and more people began to buy it. For a while, it was harder to get but we are pleased that our friends at Kanojo Toys have recently stocked several new types, including a white one, an "open-front" version, and a set with knee-high socks. As such, we also thought it a good ...

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