The podcast (and YouTube series) Abroad in Japan has uploaded a new episode that we think will interest Tokyo Kinky readers. It's called "5 ways to make a great first impression on Japanese women!" -- but also includes "five incredibly bad ones." Naturally, this is all according to a foreigner, so some may well disagree with the suggestions, but all tips are surely welcome in this dating landscape so blighted by the pandemic. We won't expound on them all here, since we reckon it's worthwhile that readers listen to the 40-minute episode themselves, but fear not, they are relatively ...

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Most teenagers dream of dating pop singers or movie stars. But this girl isn't most teenagers. No, 13-year-old Seira Watanabe had a different kind of dream date: Godzilla. And she finally got her dream granted. Watanabe already has a huge Godzilla figure collection, but nothing beats meeting and interacting with the real thing. A Japanese television show recently helped make that happen by arranging a date for her with Godzilla, as reports Kotaku. Naturally, the kaiju was not quite its usual size. When she spotted Godzilla outside her window at her home in Hyogo Prefecture, she almost ...

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Is this the future of kissing between couples in the age of the coronavirus? A playful picture recently shared on Twitter by the idol and mangaka Rin Kaname (of hints at what kissing might become if things don't improve some day soonish. The photo shows two people -- in this case, two attractive Japanese women in their underwear -- kissing through a see-through plastic wall. The image is captioned "social distance kiss." One of the women is, we presume, Kaname herself, though please help us out if you can identify either of them more accurately. The image was posted by ...

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In a bid to contain the second wave of the coronavirus around Japan, people are now being encouraged to have "online nomikai" (drinking parties) rather than meeting in person for food and booze at the usual izakaya or restaurant. Thankfully, technology now makes this possible, though the idea has a fatal flaw. One of the major appeals of a nomikai is that it gives you the chance to hook up with that friend of a friend who tags along, or that cutie at the next table. Zoom is great but it removes that from the equation, hence dating will really suffer in these coronavirus times. How can you ...

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Oh, to be single again. But one expert has recently warned of the perils of dating and even kissing in the age of the coronavirus. While a lot of the attention has focused somewhat disproportionately on hostess and hostess clubs, the coronavirus pandemic has also massively impacted nightclubs, bars, and live music venues. With the nightlife industry on the verge of collapse, this is not just a loss in terms of cool places to go and hang out -- it also affects how people date and woo a partner. If you can't go to a karaoke booth with your date, where can you get some smooching done in ...

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Campaigners have launched a petition on in protest at a recent article by the weekly magazine Spa! that ranked female Japanese university students by how easy they are to sleep with. The activists say: "Japan, stop objectifying, sexualizing and disrespecting and looking down on women." Demanding an apology and retraction of the "easy college girls ranking" article (titled "ヤレる女子大学生RANKING" in Japanese), the petition is presented in Japanese, English and Spanish. Here is what the petition, which is led by Kazuna Yamamoto, says. 2018 was a year where ...

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All those hundreds of thousands of office ladies slaving away in Japan's corporations are not as bored or subservient as you might think. An online survey by konkatsu "marriage-hunting" web portal Aikatsu asked 1,162 women if they had had sex with someone from their workplaces. More than three in four women admitted to having slept with a coworker. Given the amount of time that many Japanese people spend at their companies as well as the relatively high number of social events that take place among colleagues, especially nighttime drinking, it is not surprising that many relationships ...

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We know that adultery is quite common in Japan, especially among men -- and that's probably before you even start thinking about the various sex services out there for the guys to try if things get stale. But women are not holding back anymore. The rapid growth of services like Ashley Madison and the popularity of TV dramas like Hirugao with Aya Ueto suggest that women are also keen to dip their toe into the big ocean of extramarital affairs. Several high-profile cases have exposed this. For every Ken Watanabe there's a Yuki Saito and Aoi Miyazaki. Even Becky, though not married herself, ...

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Following our post on what age Japanese women have their first kiss, we found a related survey that tries to find out if Japanese women kiss guys on the first date or if they wait it out. The results of the survey, which had 6,510 responses, suggest that Japanese man and women are slightly modest but that a very healthy number (27%) are willing to smooch on the first date. Here's the breakdown. 1. On the third date (2,127 people) 2. On the first date (1,753 people) 3. On the second date (1,146 people) 4. On or after the fifth date (910 people) 5. Upon marriage (184 ...

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Here's a story that likely won't do any favors for the reputations of either gaijin or Asian women. We stumbled upon the tale of the American Mixed Martial Arts fighter Jaymes Schulte, who allegedly made secret videos of his one-night stands with many Asian women. Apparently he then uploaded his sex tapes to a now-defunct Pornhub channel called TravelPorn where he charged viewers $10 for uncensored videos or $250 for a lifetime membership. He accumulated 3,000 subscribers and 800,000 views. The Mixed Martial Arts lightweight fighter (nicknamed "Underdog") in his early thirties says ...

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