One of the most highly anticipated upcoming porn debuts this month is that of someone identified only as Sayaka, whose first adult video (JUR029) comes out from porn label Madonna on March 11. She is meant to be a former entertainer (meaning either an actor or TV celebrity) but we presume can't be famous or it would defeat the marketing value of the porn debut (since fans won't hear about it if her full name is not disclosed). The producers have chosen to keep her name disguised -- and her face. While there's nothing unusual about adopting a new name when switching to porn (sometimes this ...

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As reported recently on this blog, one of the unexpected outcomes of the coronavirus pandemic has been how the ubiquity of face masks has merged with an existing fetish for used underwear to beget a whole new brand of the adult market: used face masks. However, though schoolgirls and housewives are apparently benefitting financially from the demand, some have warned that used face masks carry serious hygiene risks. Japanese social media, especially Twitter, offers plenty of examples of used masks for sale, sometimes with "kiss marks." Posters tend to include photos of the stains from ...

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It was surely inevitable. We all know that used panties is an infamous and genuine fetish in Japan (and elsewhere, of course), whose needs are served by various products sold by major companies as well as individuals hoping to make a quick yen. Face masks were already a big part of people's lives in Japan even pre-pandemic, especially during flu or pollen allergy seasons. But now they are almost part of our daily uniform and one that is unlikely to go away any time soon. This has cultivated a new strain of fetish, it seems: used face masks, especially those worn by attractive women. As ...

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It's been another long year where we had to wear face masks a lot. This isn't such a biggie here in Japan, where people often wear masks if they have a cold or during the annual hay fever seasons. What was common before just became ubiquitous. One frustration about this, though, is that you can't admire the eye candy on the streets or at the store so much when a beautiful woman (or man) walks by. Sometimes you just want to reach out, pluck off that mask, and get a good look at the person in question. On the other hand, masks have the side effect of accentuating parts of the face, ...

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One of the unexpected (but very welcome) aspects of the coronavirus pandemic was the response of adult brands in Japan, which began offering fetish face masks. As such, perhaps this update was inevitable. Costume brand Erox has taken the now-ubiquitous face mask and transformed it into sexy underwear. What, like that idol already did with the free government-supplied masks back in 2020? And like that political candidate did on her election campaign posters? Yes, but this time the results are a little less homemade! The Face Mask Underwear is a set of four masks that you wear like a bra or ...

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The Bamboo Gag Face Mask is essentially what its name says: a genuine face mask that features a bamboo mouth gag print on the front. Face masks have become mandatory during the coronavirus pandemic around the world, but have long been common in Japan for various reasons. People wear masks when they have a cold or for protection against hay fever in certain seasons. Celebrities also wear face masks when out and about to hide their identity. With the coronavirus pandemic creating a surge in face mask usage, we have seen lots of novel designs appearing. Japan's adult brands are never one to ...

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We are drawing to the end of this most difficult year and we taking a look back at 2020. Of course, the past twelve months were dominated by one global story. Japan's adult industry has responded to the coronavirus pandemic in various ways, from host and hostess clubs working with the authorities to identity clusters of infections, to Soft on Demand spending a fortune on advanced air sterilization technology for its new porn theme park in Kabukicho. Less positive responses -- of which, let's be honest, there were many -- include suing the government over financial relief discrimination and ...

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Following our post earlier this week about the hentai art face masks that Tama Toys has recently released, now we have another related development to report. If you are into smell fetishes, you are in for a treat. And fear not, no additional risk of exposure to the coronavirus. The Joshi Kosei no Mask no Nioi Schoolgirl Face Mask Smell Spray is yet another creation from the imaginative minds of the hardworking folk at Tama Toys. Don't be put off by the longish name. This is a simple yet unique fetish item: a spray that replicates the special aroma of a schoolgirl's face mask after it has ...

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The adult industry in Japan has responded to the coronavirus pandemic in various ways, though this has mainly involved sections of the industry like the hostess/host clubs and call girls services. The former have sanitized their facilities and worked with the government to conduct testing and improve their tarnished reputations. The latter have offered special pandemic discounts in the hopes that all this stress is making people horny. In general, though, hostess clubs and sex workers are really struggling. Soft on Demand quickly launched a big campaign offering free porn streaming to help ...

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It's election season, which always brings out the weirdos all competing to be the next governor of Tokyo. On the same day, there are also by-elections in two of Tokyo's special wards and two other districts to select Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly representatives to make up for assembly members who are standing down for some reason. So far we have seen one candidate dressed in anime cosplay to promote his campaign. The same candidate, Teruki Goto, once had a poster that featured his half-naked body. The much-maligned Abenomasks -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's personally launched initiative that ...

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