Hihokan (literally "secret treasure hall") are Japan's sex museums, a wealth of postwar kitsch that fester around the country.
Now Atami Hihokan, one of the most famous of them all, has apparently achieved the dubious honor of being the last remaining sex museum. Like a lot of regional facilities in Japan, the effects of a changing economy, cheaper overseas travel and depopulation have meant that the countryside is full of rotting and rusting theme parks and museums. The Hihokan have sadly not escaped this fate.
Image of Beppu Hihokan via Hakkaku Culture
The Hihokan (sometimes spelt ...
Ojiroku, Obasa: The slave virgins of the Japanese mountain villages
November 5, 2013
/ Taro
When we think of Japanese virginal girls, we tend to think of cute girls like this.
But there were another kind.
The Ojiroku and Obasa was a rural custom that is said to have continued until the twentieth century.
They weren't allowed contact with anyone except the oldest son and could not marry, instead being worked by the family like a slave all their lives.
Due to Japan's mountains, there are many villages separated by peaks and forests, giving rise to unique isolated culture. Take the village of Kamihara in Nagano.
In this village, there was no space for children other ...
Megumi, Kazuki, Tadashi and I like to scour the streets looking for new adventures in Tokyo. But we also make time to read. Obviously, with the amount of crime and dirty antics we report on in this blog, we need to keep a close eye on the weekly tabloids.
But we also like to read serious books. One I've been perusing recently is The Inland Sea (1971) by the late, great Donald Richie.
Richie was a famous Japan observer, a writer based her from just after the war and who did a lot to promote Japanese cinema in particular.
In the early 1960's he took a long trip around the Seto Inland ...
Hashimoto tells US to “use prostitutes” in Japan
May 15, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
Outspoken Osaka mayor and founder of the Japan Restoration Party, now Japan’s third largest party, Toru Hashimoto has got himself in hot water over some comments he made about the "comfort women" during the war and his recommendations for how to avoid rapes in Okinawa.
Hashimoto, no stranger to getting noticed by provocative comments, told reporters in Osaka on on Monday that the "comfort women" (local women forced into prostitution by the colonizing Japanese forces in Asia during the war) were necessary in order to maintain military discipline.
The women “were necessary in ...
Kanamara Penis Festival attracts 50,000 people in 2013
April 16, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
On April 7th the Kanamara Matsuri was held in Kawasaki, near to Tokyo, and one of the most popular of Japan's phallic fertility festivals.
The highlight of the festival is the parade of the giant cock through the streets as it is processed between two shrines. This is stroked and touched by the crowds as it passes.
This year saw the largest number of visitors ever, around 50,000 people and ten times more than the crowds were ten years ago. It is said to be now the largest festival of its kind in Japan.
There were times when television channels would pixellate images of the ...
Kohei Yoshiyuki photographs sex voyeurs in Tokyo parks in 1970s
April 8, 2013
/ Tadashi Anahori
Parks are not just for strolling around in.
Unlike other cities, Tokyo's parks are open all night. Photographer Kohei Yoshiyuki used to visit Chuo Park in the early Seventies and search for goings-on in the dark.
At the time, it was common for couples to go the park to have sex. But that alone wasn't what was interesting.
The couples weren't alone. People were watching.
In effect, the park was an open-air public happening bar.
After spending months entrenches with the voyeurs so that they would trust him as a "regular" in Chuo, Yoyogi and Aoyama parks, Yoshiyuki then ...
Traditional Japanese sex toys still work for modern man!
June 18, 2012
/ Tadashi Anahori
Recently I've been having a few problems down there. I reckon it's been from overuse but Megumi assures me it's just my age.
Well, I tried Viagra and the like, though I found the effects a bit artificial.
So I was very interested to try the kind of tool my ancestors would have experimented with, now recreated by the makers of the Higo Zuika traditional dildo.
The Higo Taiho Erection Pump has a slightly startling name but it's not as scary as it sounds. In fact, it's a simple-to-use support that slips over your member. In your spare hand you then squeeze the pump to tight around your ...
We've talked before about Edo era Tokyo sex shops. Well, the locals also had their own sex dolls as well, called Azumagata Ningyo (吾妻形人形).
After purchasing your "dutch wife" from Yotsumeya, you took the Tenga of its day back home for some fun. It was a crude device, something like a picture school, covered with a bundle of clothing, but made from Tortoiseshell material and so could be heated up with hot water for the natural touch. The piece de resistance was surely the "onahole", in this case a leather pouch.
We should point out that there seems to be no serious historical ...
You can rely on the Japanese to celebrate what's best about the world.
In Komaki, Aichi prefecture in central Japan, there exists the Honen Matsuri, a fertility festival held at Tagata Shrine in mid-March.
A festival that asks for a good harvest, the highlight is certainly the massive phallus that processes around the shrine. Unfortunately, despite the multitude of gods in the Shinto universe, in fact the cock is not worshipped as a deity in its own right.
Even more famous is the Kanamara festival at Kanayama shrine in Kawasaki, that features a massive pink cock and apparently grow ...
The Japanese have always been kinky.
You may know that there are ancient Japanese dildos, historical erotic prints, fart war scrolls, and even bamboo sex dolls from long ago.
But did you know there was also a sex shop in old Tokyo? Yotsumeya was in the Ryogoku area of Edo (the old name for Tokyo), a bustling center and not too far from the famous red light district, Yoshiwara. It first opened in 1626, making it the oldest adult goods shop in Japan, though sadly it closed in the Meiji period (late nineteenth century) when Japan was trying to "modernize" (and did such foolish things ...